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Pandora Charms and Bracelets - Myth and Facts

发表于 9-29-2013 21:54:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
It said that pandora charms was the first woman to ever walk on Earth. When Prometheus stole the secret of fire from Mt. Olympus, the gods became angry that they decided to punish mankind. Zeus, the god of gods, ordered Hephaestus to create a woman out of Earth. This woman was given by all the gods of Olympus, gifts that were supposed to bring misery to mankind. She was given beauty, charms, deceit, cunning, boldness and more. After she was given all these gifts, she was named Pandora, which means "All Gifted".She was then taken by Hermes to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. Despite Prometheus's warning not to accept any gifts from the gods, his brother was captivated by the beauty and charms of Pandora that Epimetheus received her willingly. That, according to Greek mythology was the beginning of man's misery.

Recently, about 25 years ago, a goldsmith named P. Enevoldsen and his wife established a Jeweller's shop in Copenhagen Denmark. They designed, manufactured and sold jewlry and accessories that contained various charms and beads. Usually, these pandora uk are made of sterling silver, gold, precious or semi-precious stones and an item unique to Italy, Murano Glass.The design of the charms were exquisite and when combined together creates a truly marvelous piece of jewelry. The company sold jewelry parts and customized designs. These charms and beads could be bought separately from bracelet and necklace chains and could be assembled by the consumer themselves if they wanted to. The consumers could also purchase the cutomized jewelry that has already been assembled with the parts they fancied if they wanted to.

Why their wares were named after a Character that brought misery to mankind is something that's difficult to comprehend. Perhaps the reason is the characteristics of each charm used to create one bracelet; each charm design is unique and has its own identity. And when they are all combined to create one piece of jewelry, that piece of jewelry exudes elegance and class.
pandora charms uk or Pandora Jewelry also contradicts another description of the mythological character. Contrary to being the cause of evil and misery to mankind, Pandora Jewelry actually contributes to society. It supports the S.G. Komens foundation and Hurricane Katrina Victims by donating a portion of their sales of certain charms to their foundations. Under this context, we could say that perhaps, Pandora Jewlery possess or provides the last blessing left in the vessel: 'Hope'.

pandora uk sale and Pandora Jewelry are excellent items. These are classic jewelry that could fit and match any outfit. Whether you are in your casual clothing or formal attire, Pandora Charm Bracelets are sure to match it. In its distinct and creative way, these items have changed the meaning of their brand from being something vengeful to something beautiful and elegant.

welcome to our homepage:http://www.pandoracharmsaleukstore.co.uk/

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