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Interdom: '红色摇篮' 的今与昔

发表于 10-7-2013 15:42:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC国际台奥克萨娜•沃兹达耶娃, 记者来鸿:'红色摇篮' 的今与昔. BBC Chinese, Oct 7, 2013
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... soviet_school.shtml

, which is translated from

Oxana Vozhdaeva, How children of the world united at a Soviet school. BBC, Oct 3, 2013.

"Unlike other Soviet children, the students received information from overseas and were allowed to travel to visit their parents.

A Russian-Palestinian woman who was in the school, named "Daulia Saadi[,] remembers Mao's eldest son, Mao Anying [1922-1950], who was known in the home as Sergei Yun Fu 谢尔盖·永福.

"His story ended tragically. On returning to China, according to some former Interdom pupils, Mao Anying clashed with his father, accusing him of creating a cult of personality. Partly for this reason, he volunteered to fight in Korea, and died there.

(a) For Oxana, see Xenia (name)
(Greek for "hospitality;" Related names include: Oksana (Ukrainian and Russian))

(b) "In 1933 a unique boarding school was set up in Russia to provide a home for the children of revolutionaries around the world - the children of Mao, Tito and La Pasionaria passed through its doors."
(i) Dolores Ibárruri
(Isidora Dolores Ibárruri Gómez; 1895 – 1989; known more famously as "La Pasionaria")

Quote: "Ibárruri wrote her first article in 1918 for the miners' newspaper, El Minero Vizcaíno. The article came out during Holy Week and focused on religious hypocrisy, at odds with the Passion of Christ. Because of the article's theme and its timing, she signed it with the alias 'Pasionaria.'"

(ii) pasionaria (noun feminine): "passion flower"
(iii) Passiflora
(known also as the passion flowers; has a pantropical distribution [but] is absent from Africa; its fruit: passion fruit)

(c) Interdom
(The name is an abbreviation of the Russian internatzionalny dom or "International House;" created in 1933; in the city of Ivanovo [the place was first mentioned in 1561, when it was given to the Cherkassky princely family by Ivan III of Russia (1440 – 1505; reign 1462-1505)])

Mr Chiang Ching-Kuo was too old to go to kids' school, so he went to Sun Yat-sen University [1924-present].

(d) A Swiss communist named "Fritz Platten, who was best known for assisting Russian emigres, including Lenin, to return from Switzerland to Russia in 1917. Platten is said to have organised the sealed train that took Lenin through German-occupied Europe to St Petersburg."

Vladimir Lenin
(section 3 The February Revolution)

(e) Anastas Mikoyan (1895 – 1978)

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