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中国海军核潜艇部队首次揭秘 + 中国第四代核潜艇

发表于 10-28-2013 06:55:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 陶社兰, 中国海军核潜艇部队首次揭秘. 中国新闻网, Oct 27, 2013 (12 hours ago).
http://big5.chinanews.com.cn:89/ ... 10-27/5428535.shtml

(a) The hull number in the photo says "406."
(i) Type 092 submarine
(United States Department of Defense designation Xia-class; the first ballistic missile-carrying, nuclear-powered submarine class (SSBN) deployed by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy; 1 built (406); In service 1981; conducting tests with its 12 JL-1 (CSS-N-3) missiles)
(ii) China also published the "news" in English.

Wu Yanping, China's Nuclear Submarine Fleet Carries out Drill. China Radio International (CRI), Oct 28, 2013.
("The first nuclear submarine fleet from PLA North China Sea Fleet has just carried out a military drill. According to naval officials, the fleet is now capable of nuclear deterrence and nuclear counterattack")
(iii) But Pentagon's annual report on China's military has said year after year that China's submarine has not been able to file JL-1 or -2 underwater (though Xinhua in early 1980s published photos of successful launches nuclear missile from submerged submarine(s)), but that it could happen this year. Still I do not think this is it, otherwise media--domestic and foreign--would report it in fanfare. So far, only two foreign media outlets re-broadcast the news in a sketch. One is

China's Nuclear Submarines Fire Underwater Rockets; For the first time in over 40 years, China reveals a fleet of its older generation of nuclear submarines, which fires rockets from under the water. Daily Telegraph, Oct 28, 2013.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... rwater-rockets.html

(b) Type 091 submarine
(US DoD designation Han-class; attack submarine; the first nuclear-powered submarine (SSN) class deployed by the PLAN; The first submarine in the class was commissioned in 1974 (401) and the fifth and final boat of the class was commissioned in 1990 (405); deployed with the North Sea Fleet and are homeported at Qingdao)

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 楼主| 发表于 10-28-2013 06:55:41 | 只看该作者
(2) In chronological order.
(a) 张云龙, 官方:中国第四代核潜艇和航母等装备研制成功. 新华网, Aug 19, 2013
(原标题:辽宁省副省长:第四代核潜艇在东北研制完成; : 辽宁省副省长谭作钧说,百万千瓦核电、火电机组、特高压输变电设备,百万吨乙烯装置,高速动车组列车,先进船舶和海上钻井平台,高档数控加工中心和重型数控机床等实现自主化,国防科技工业发展迅猛,第四代核潜艇、航空母舰、新一代歼击机等高新武器装备在东北研制完成")

Well, that is the only sentence in teh lengthy report taht talked about "第四代核潜艇."
(b) 中国第四代核潜艇研制完成 有望部署航母战斗群. 人民网, Aug 26, 2013 (which was also published in China News 中国新闻网)
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 楼主| 发表于 10-29-2013 05:36:27 | 只看该作者
军媒:中国海军首艘核潜艇已退役. BBC Chinese, Oct 29, 2013
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... vy_nuclearsub.shtml
("就在中国向外界解密其核潜艇部队后数日,中国军方媒体称中国首艘核潜艇 [hull #401] 已经退役。据中国媒体此前报道,中国首艘核潜艇在1970年下水,4年后正式开始服役。星期二(10月29日)出版的《解放军报》刊登报道称,目前这艘隶属北海舰队的核潜艇的核反应堆仓已经被成功卸除以及封装,潜艇将'作为一件展品供世人参观'")
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