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Change of World Population--a Snap Shot

发表于 10-31-2013 06:34:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Max Fisher, How the World’s Populations Are Changing, in One Map. Washington Post, Oct 31, 2013 (blog).
http://www.washingtonpost.com/bl ... hanging-in-one-map/

(a) United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA began operations in 1969 as the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (the name was changed in 1987 [but acronym remains the same]); Headquarters New York City)
(b) There is no need to read the Washington Post blog. The blog says, "Here are a few noteworthy trends from the data. (1) The big story is sub-Saharan Africa."
(c) The Washington Post blog's gread asset is the map, which combs data from the annual report (The State of the World Population 2013), which was released yesterday--mainly on another topic (child brides as well as teen pregnancy) and whose title this year is:

Motherhood in Childhood; Facing the challenge of adolescent pregnancy.
(i) Toward teh end of the report are tables.
(ii) Page 99 tells you where the three tables are (including the table of "Notes" at page 109).
(iii) The second table (starting at page 106) has, for each "country, territory or other area," a column with the heading "average annual rate of population change, per cent 2010-2015."

Bengladesh 1.2
Canada 1.0
China 0.6
China, Hong Kong SAR 0.7
China, Macao SAR 1.8
Egypt 1.6
France 0.5
India 1.2
Japan -0.1
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of  0.5
Korea, Republic of  0.5
Puerto Riico -0.2 (Puerto Rico has a crushing public debt)
Russian Federation -0.2
Singapore 2.0
[Taiwan not included]
United Kingdom 0.6
United States of America 0.8

World 1.1
Arab States 1.0
Asia and the Pacific 1.9
Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.1
Latin America and the Caribbean 1.1
Sub-Saharan Africa 2.6


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