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发表于 11-13-2013 07:19:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Nov 13, 2013
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 131113/1789147.html
("连战因在促进两岸关系的改善方面做出的杰出贡献,在主要由美国亲华政府官员和国会议员组成的、以促进美中官方和民间交流为己任的研究机构--美中政策基金会举办的成立18周年年度颁奖晚会 18th annual Gala Dinner [held on Nov 12] 上,获颁终身成就大奖 Lifetime Achievement Award。同时获奖的还有美国前驻华大使尚慕杰 James Sasser  [1936- ; US ambassador to China (1996-1999, including the time when US mistakenly bombed China's embassy in Belgrade); US senator (D Tenn; 1977-1995))")

(a) US-China Policy Foundation to Hold 18th nnual Gala Dinner. US-China Policy Foundation, undated.
(b) US-China Policy Foundation (USCPF) in its website says, "In 2012, the USCPF hosted a welcome luncheon for Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping" when he visited Washington DC.  Wikipedia states, "The late American ambassadors John H Holdridge and Arthur Hummel, Jr founded the group with Chi WANG in 1995."
(a) John H Holdridge
(1924-2001; began a two year intensive study of Mandarin at Cornell University and Harvard University; [as Senior Staff Member for the Far East of the National Security Council] accompanied Kissinger on his secret 1971 trip to the Mainland; US Ambassador to Singapore (1975–1978) and Indonesia (1982–1986))
(b) Arthur Hummel, Jr  恒安石
(1920-2001; born in Fenzhou [汾州 (北魏-民国初年); presently 汾阳市], Shanxi, China, to Christian missionaries; In 1944, he and a British prisoner escaped [a Japanese prisoner camp in Shangdong] and fought alongside the Nationalist guerrillas against the Japanese; US Ambassador to Burma (1968-1971), to Ethiopia (1975-1976); Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (1976-1977); US Ambassador to Burma (1977-1981), to China (1981-1985))
(c) WANG Chi, PhD  王翼
(a Professor of History at Georgetown University since 1969; Dr Wang received his high school, college, and graduate education in the United States. He received his PhD. degree from Georgetown University in 1969)

Quote: "Dr Wang has also been responsible for the development of the Chinese collection at the Library of Congress over the past thirty years. The Library holds the largest and most comprehensive collection on Asia within the US and is America’s most important center on traditional and contemporary China. The collection now has over one million volumes and is the largest of its kind outside of China.

* Wikipedia in a page under his name says his alma mater is "University of Maryland," presumably for his bachelor's degree.


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