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The First and Last French Piano Maker to Shutter

发表于 11-14-2013 12:28:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nadya Masidlover, French Piano Maker Pleyel Plays its Final Tune. Wall Street Journal, Nov 14, 2013.
http://online.wsj.com/news/artic ... 4579195862376886216

(a) Ateliers Pleyel, founded by Ignaz Pleyel "in 1807" according to the official website, which is written in French.
(i) The WSJ report identifies the company as Ateliers Pleyel, whereas English Wikipedia
calls it Pleyel et Cie
(("Pleyel and Company") )

On the other hand, France 24 (2006- ; based in Paris; owned by French government) in its English-language Web page  and Telegraph use simply "Pleyel."

Henry Samuel, World's Oldest Piano Maker Pleyel Shuts Last Workshop; Pleyel, the French piano maker and world's oldest still in activity, to shut last workshop in Saint-Denis in symbolic blow for France's struggling industry. Guardian, Nov 14, 2013.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... -last-workshop.html

There is no need to read the Telegraph report.
(ii) atelier (n; French)
(iii) Ignaz Pleyel
(1757-1831; an Austrian-born French composer and piano builder)

French: Ignace Joseph Pleyel
German: Ignaz Josef Pleyel
(iv) The male given name (German: Ignaz; French; Ignace) is derived from "a Roman family name Egnatius, maybe of Etrusk origin or derived from Latin ignis (fire)."
(v) The word "Etrusk" does not appear in any English online dictionary, and Wiktionary identifies it as Polish. The adjective and noun (Estrurian or Etruscan) are used in English to describe an ancient region

(b) "Pleyel Chairman Bernard Roques"

Regarding Catalan surnames Roques and Roca. In Catalan language, "roques" is plural of "roca." The latter means "rock."
(c) "The company was established more than 200 years ago by Ignaz Pleyel, a musician, composer and friend of Joseph Haydn."

Joseph Haydn
(1732-1809; born in Austria)

German full name: Franz Josef Haydn

(d) "Pleyel also became the official supplier of Frédéric Chopin, who gave public concerts at the company's salons."

Frédéric Chopin
(born Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin in Poland; 1810-1849)

Franciszek is Polish variant of Frank/Francis in English.

(e) "The company stopped producing upright pianos and made only grand pianos."

There are two photos of upright piano (one interior and the other exterior) in

Seach with "upright."
(f) The legend of a photo (two photos online but only one in print: the one about travinsky) mentions "Igor Stravinsky."

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