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Taiwan's BMD Radar Gives Unique Data on China

发表于 11-26-2013 10:02:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Wendell Minnick, Taiwan's BMD Radar Gives Unique Data on China. Defense News, Nov 26, 2013.
http://www.defensenews.com/artic ... s-Unique-Data-China

(a) Leshan Mountain  樂山 (基地)
Tien Kung 2 (Sky Bow)  天弓 (二型防空飛彈)
(b) The radar on Leshan sits "directly across from China’s signal intelligence station at Dongjing Shan. This is significant because the radar reportedly has jamming capabilities."
福建省福州市福清市东瀚镇 (平潭县西南) 東京山
(c) The report describes the radar (on Taiwan) this way: "In 2000, the US government approved the sale of ballistic missile detection radar under the Surveillance Radar Program (SRP). Raytheon proposed an advanced UHF long-range EWR based on the AN/FPS-115 Pave Paws, and Lockheed offered the Medium Extended Air Defense System." Further down it mentions, "Japan is attempting to catch up with the fielding of AN/TPY-2 long-range, X-Band air defense radars."

electromagnetic radiation
(table in section 3 Electromagnetic spectrum: UHF: 300MHZ-3 GHZ; SHF [including X band] 3 GHZ-30 GHZ)
UHF= Ultrahigh frequency
SHF= super-high frequency
MHZ= mega hertz
GHZ= giga hertz

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