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Theodore Roosevelt: Assassin and William Howard Taft

发表于 11-27-2013 12:50:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Walter Vatter, Bull Moose Stalker; Teddy Roosevelt's third-party run in 1912 election greatly disturbed a German-American loner who resolved to assassinate him. Wall Street Journal, Nov 27, 2013
http://online.wsj.com/news/artic ... 4579205872894909300
(book review on Gerard Helferich, Theodore Roosevelt and the Assassin; Madness,, vengence, and the campaign of 1912. Lyons Press, 2013)

Quote: At Milwaukee, Wisconsin "the candidate was leaving the Gilpatrick Hotel en route to the Milwaukee Auditorium to deliver a speech. Roosevelt was wounded but managed, amazingly, to deliver his speech anyway. * * * The assassination attempt occurred on Oct 14, 1912. Fortunately for Roosevelt, the gunman's bullet didn't puncture his lungs, but it would remain lodged in the president's chest for the remainder of his life.

(a) Regarding the would-be assassin John Flammang Schrank.

The south German surname Schrank is "from Middle High German schranc ‘gate’, ‘barrier [ie, fence].’"
(b) "Theodore Roosevelt, who split from the Republican Party and its candidate, the incumbent President William Howard Taft, to run for a third term as a Progressive"

Progressive Party (United States, 1912)
(The party also became known as the Bull Moose Party after journalists quoted Roosevelt saying "I'm feeling like a bull moose" shortly after the new party was formed)
(c) "Schrank was arrested and convicted. He spent the next 29 years incarcerated and tried unsuccessfully to recover his bullet, which he claimed as personal property. He died a natural death. Poor mad John Flammang Schrank, an assassin manqué—but for Gerard Helferich's literary efforts, lost to history, unable to earn the infamy of a John Wilkes Booth or a Lee Harvey Oswald."
(i) manqué (n; French, from past participle of manquer to lack, fail, from Italian mancare, from manco lacking, left-handed, from Latin, having a crippled hand, probably from manus [English: hand]):
"short of or frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspirations or talents —used postpositively <a poet manqué>"
(ii) manqué: "1778, from French manqué (fem. manquée), past participle of manquer "to miss, be lacking" (16c.), from Italian mancare, from manco, from Latin mancus "maimed, defective," from PIE *man-ko- "maimed in the hand," from root *man- "hand" (see manual (adj.))."
Online Etymology Dictionary
(iii) Proto-Indo-European language

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 楼主| 发表于 11-27-2013 12:50:38 | 只看该作者
(2) John Steele Gordon, Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft were close friends and political allies, but then became bitter political enemies. Wall Street Journal, Nov 3, 2013
http://online.wsj.com/news/artic ... 4579163604149811722
(book review on Doris Kearns Goodwin, The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism. Simon & Schuster, 2013)

(a) Northern Securities Company
(railroad trust formed in 1901 by EH Harriman, James J Hill, JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller, and their associates; The company was sued in 1902 under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 by President Theodore Roosevelt, one of the first anti-trust cases filed against corporate interests instead of labor; dissolved according to the 1904 Supreme Court ruling in Northern Securities Co v United States case, five to four)
(b) William McKinley, Jr (1843-1901; Republican; president 1897 – Sept 14, 1901)
(c) Theodore Roosevelt, Jr (1858-1919; Republican; president Sept 14, 1901-1909)
(d) William Howard Taft (1857-1930; Republican; president 1909–1913; Chief Justice of the United States 1921–1930)

(e) "He remains a familiar and revered figure to this day, one of only a handful of presidents known by a nickname. (In fact, Roosevelt hated the nickname Teddy—his friends and family called him Theodore—but he has long since lost that battle with history.) Almost maniacally active, Roosevelt would not only rise politically from being the youngest member of the New York State Assembly to the youngest president."
(i) He was elevated from vice president to president at 42 (a month shy of 43).
(ii) First elected and inaugurated:
(A) Barrack Obama 47 years old
(B) Bill Clinton 46
(C) John F Kennedy
(1917-1963; At age 43, he was the youngest to have been elected to the office, the second-youngest president (after Theodore Roosevelt))
(D) list of Presidents of the United States by age
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lis ... nited_States_by_age

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