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Director Yasujiro OZU’s Retrospective in Manhattan

发表于 11-29-2013 10:34:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Eric Grode, Ozu and His Afterlives. New York Times, Nov 28, 2013.

(a) Somehow the report does not appear in the newspaper’s website or the Web. The full text is attached.
(b) A film festival in honor of Japanese director Yasujiro OZU 小津 安二郎 (1903-1963; died of cancer):

Ozu and His Afterlives, Film Society of Lincoln Center, “Wednesday [Dec 4] through December 12.”

* One of the featured film is
Aki KAURISMÄKI's 1990 film The Match Factory Girl.

Aki Kaurismäki
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aki_Kaurism%C3%A4ki(1957- a Finnish film director)
(b) An Autumn Afternoon (Ozu’s final work; Japanese title: 秋刀魚の味 sanma no aji whose literal translation was The Taste of Mackerel Pike)

* Pacific saury
(Cololabis saira; also known by the name mackerel pike; 秋刀魚 [in Japanese, Korean and Chinese] mean "autumn knife fish", in reference to its body shape, somewhat resembling a knife, and its peak season; found in the North Pacific, from Japan eastward to the Gulf of Alaska and southward to subtropical Mexico)

(c) Equinox Flower
(Japanese title: 彼岸花, higanbana)
(d) Café Lumière  珈琲時光
(Distributed by Sōchiku 松竹 株式会社; Language  Japanese)
Ozu and His Afterlives (Wednesday through December 12)  Last year news broke that “vertigo” had ousted “Citizen Kane” from the top of Sight & Sound magazine’s ranking of the greatest movies, but a parallel ranking list by 358 directors got less notice. That gave top honors to an altogether different film: “Tokyo Story 東京物語,” the devastating 1953 family chronicle by the Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu (1903-1963). So it seems appropriate for the Film Society of Lincoln Center to honor him with a series that also includes his artistic torchbearers.

Restorations of Ozu’s “An autumn Afternoon,” The 1962 film starring, above from left, Chishu RYU 笠 智衆 [a man], Mariko OKADA 岡田 茉莉子, Shima IWASHITA 岩下 志麻 and Kenji SADA 佐田 啓二, and “Equinox Flower,” from 1958, will be shown over several days. In addition, this nine-work retrospective includes recent films that pay varying degrees of homage to Ozu. Hou Hsiao-hsien’s 2004 “Café Lumière” (Wednesday at $:30 PM and next Friday at 7:30 ) had its premiere at an Ozu-theme film festival, while the German directo Wim Wenders traveled to Tokyo and interviewed some of Ozu’s collaborators for his 1985 documentary, “Tokyo-Ga 東京 画” (Wednesday at 9:30 pm). Claire Denis (“35 Shots of Rum,” Dec 7 and 10) and Jim Jarmusch *”Stranger Than Paradise,” Dec 12), art-film heavy hitters who also tipped their hats to the master, also made the cut. Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center, 144 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 875-5601, filmlinc.com; $13. (Eric Grode)

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