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发表于 12-10-2013 13:07:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
David Kesmodel and Laurie Burkitt, 一探泰森食品的超清洁中国养鸡场. 华尔街日报中文版, Dec 10, 2013

, which is translated from

David Kesmodel and Laurie Burkitt, In China, Tyson Enters the Farming Business. Wall Street Journal, Dec 10, 2013


"In the US, where Tyson is the largest meat [including beef and pork] processor by sales, the company contracts with 4,000 farmers to raise the chickens that Tyson processes. The farmers raise about 100,000 birds at a time, shouldering the risk and navigating the logistical hassles. But that doesn't fly in China, which is dominated by small-scale farms. Small poultry farms, which may have only a few hundred birds each, are hard to monitor to prevent disease and deter excessive use of the feed additives that speed animal growth.

"Tyson doesn't disclose its investment costs or revenue by country. But CLSA Americas LLC estimates that Tyson's China revenue was about $715 million in the fiscal year that ended in September * * * Tyson, which generated $34 billion in global revenue [including US] for fiscal 2013, has processed chicken in China since 2001. * * * After a decade of purchasing birds from independent farmers, Tyson determined it needed to take over production. * * * Tyson says that while operating farms raises costs, it also gives the company direct oversight of production

"China overtook the US last year as the world's largest consumer of chickens. But since then, a new bird-flu outbreak and other health scares have triggered sharp declines in sales.

"Poultry sales here [in China] have been growing faster than those of pork, China's favorite meat, in part because chicken is less expensive.

Tyson's ambitions in China "require building name recognition [its own brand] and persuading consumers to buy packaged breasts and wings instead of entire birds recently slaughtered at market—and to pay more for chicken billed as higher quality. 'Chinese customers don't pay,' says James Rice, a former vice president of Tyson's operations in China who now works for a Chinese liquor company. 'In China, 20% of customers have the purchasing power and the other 80% will buy the cheapest thing.'

(a) Haimen  江苏省海门市

(b) Tyson Foods, Inc
(i) The English surname Tyson is a "nickname for someone with a fiery temperament, from Old French tison ‘firebrand.’"
(ii) Tyson Foods, Inc is based in Springdale, Arkansas.
(iii) A Snapshot of Tyson Foods, Inc. Undated
(Fiscal 2012 Sales: 33.3 billion; 2012 Average Weekly Production [by number[: chichen 41,4000,000, cattle 132,000, hogs 403,000; Team Members 115,000; Independent Family Farmers more than 11,000; Nuber of Production Plants [slaughterhouse and meatpackers] chichen 60, beef 12, pork 9 (including case-ready beef and pork); Fiscal 2012 Sales [$] by Segment: chicken 35%, beef 41%, pork 14$, prepared food 10%); Fiscal 2012 Sales by Distribution Channel: 17% international, 34% food service, 43% consumer products, 6% others)

Assuming the same 17% international sales for fiscal 2013 ALSO, that is about $5.78 billion (34bn times 17%), of which "Tyson's China revenue was about $715 million." quotation 2

(c) "Tyson aims by 2015 to run 90 such farms in China and supply its processing plants here almost exclusively with company-raised broilers, as chickens raised for meat are called. Today the Springdale, Ark., company has 20 farms in China. Three years ago, none."

broiler (n): "a bird fit for broiling; especially: a chicken that is younger and smaller than a roaster"
(d) "Tyson has competition. Chinese companies, such as KFC supplier Fujian Sunner Development Co[, Ltd 福建圣农发展股份有限公司], dominate the market and are expanding."
(e) "Minnesota-based Cargill Inc started processing chicken in China this past spring, opening its own farms and plants as part of a $250 million investment. And Illinois-based OSI Group Inc, a supplier to McDonald's Corp, said recently that it had expanded the poultry farms it operates in China through a joint venture."

OSI Group was established in 1909 and is based in Aurora (a suburb of Chicago), Illinois. I can not find out what company name stands for.


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