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发表于 12-11-2013 09:11:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jeremy Page, 中国从前苏联解体中总结出新的教训. 华尔街日报中文版, Dec 11, 2013

, which is translated from

Jeremy Page, China Spins New Lesson from Soviet Fall; Xi Jinping is gambling that China's version of one-party rule can succeed where the Soviet Union's failed. Wall Street Journal, Dec 11, 2013.


(a) "Modern-day China is vastly different from the Soviet Union. The Chinese economy is larger, faster-growing and more closely integrated with the rest of the world than the Soviet one ever was. China's political system now allows greater personal freedoms than the Soviet Union did, and it has established retirement norms for its leaders, also something the Soviets never managed.

"In other ways, China's party remains rooted in the past, with its decision-making mechanisms, household-registration system and policies toward ethnic minorities based on the old Soviet model.

(b) "Another film circulating in the party and available online, 'Silent Contest, 较量无声,' contends the US is trying to weaken China through nongovernmental organizations and military-to-military exchanges, among other things. It was produced in conjunction with the National Defense University—China's equivalent of West Point—under the auspices of Gen Liu Yazhou 刘亚洲, its political commissar and the son-in-law of a former president 李先念, who is considered close to Mr Xi.

"Gen Liu had been considered a reformist voice within the military after he wrote an article in 2010 warning that China would face the same fate as the Soviet Union if it didn't democratize. "The Soviet Union's problems were all systemic problems," he wrote back then.

"In 'Silent Contest,' however, he is shown warning that the US is trying to contain and weaken China through the projection of Western values—or 'peaceful evolution.'

"The man behind the film on the Soviet collapse also features in 'Silent Contest.' He is Li Shenming 李慎明, a retired major general.

(c) "The film is based on just one of dozens of studies of the Soviet collapse that Chinese academics have undertaken since 1991. Many of those studies reached different conclusions about what triggered the collapse: an ossified political system, corruption in the elite, chauvinistic policies toward ethnic minorities and fundamental flaws in its economic model.
  * * *
"Since the Soviet collapse in 1991, Chinese leaders have been preoccupied with understanding its root causes and avoiding a similar fate.

"Many early Chinese studies concluded that the Soviet collapse was caused either by Mr Gorbachev or by the US strategy of 'peaceful evolution.' In the mid-1990s, Chinese scholars began exploring other factors, often concluding that its roots lay in a lack of reform under Leonid Brezhnev, who ruled from 1964 to 1982.

"Jiang Zemin, China's party chief from 1989 to 2002, encouraged many of the studies, according to several Chinese scholars.

"In 2004, China's leadership reached an internal decision that the Soviet collapse was caused by Moscow abandoning core Marxist principles, but Chinese leaders before Mr Xi rarely spoke about it.

"The debate has continued within the party and academia, fueled by more studies of alternative theories, many conducted at the Central Party School. The school's official newspaper published an essay this week blaming the Soviet collapse mainly on the collectivization of agriculture under Stalin, and warning of the dangers of failing to reform.

(a) The documentary/film: 20th Anniversary of the Death of the Soviet Party and State: As the Russians Relate
苏联亡党亡国20年祭:俄罗斯人在诉说 (《居安思危》系列)
(b) 左凤荣, 解读苏联教训的又一'力作. 探索与争鸣, 2013年1期 (June).

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