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Google Taiwan + 20nm + A Taiwanese App Venfor

发表于 12-12-2013 08:33:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 12-12-2013 12:16 编辑

(1) 台媒體熱議谷歌擴大在台數據中心. BBC Chinese, Dec 12, 2013.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/chin ... entre_byjames.shtml

(a) “而在技術上具 [sic; should be 据] 指出該中心使用的是全球最先進的降溫系體,且估計將比谷歌在全球的其它中心平均省電百分之五十。

Google doubles investment in Taiwan data center to US$600m. Central News Agency, Dec 12, 2013
http://www.wantchinatimes.com/ne ... 000079&cid=1206
(“Google, meanwhile, touted its new Changhua data center as having "innovative technologies" that will cut energy consumption by 50%, making it the company's most energy-efficient center to date.
(b) “谷歌全球數據中心副總裁卡瓦”

Miranda Chuang, Google Starts Using Internet Data Center in Taiwan. DigiTimes (Taipei), Dec 12, 2013
(“its 12th [internet data center] around the world * * * Taiwan-based makers have formed a quite complete supply chain for the data center, with supplies covering servers, storage equipment, networking/communication devices and pipelines, [Google data centers vice president Joe] Kava said”)

The data center is also Google’s only one in Asia, so far.
(c) “但此一六億美元的投資對台灣的青年較高的失業率看來幫助並不大,據指出谷歌該中心眼下雇用了六十多名職工。”

Not 十六億美元 but “此一 [个] 六億美元的投資.”

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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2013 08:34:18 | 只看该作者
(2) Lisa Wang, TSMC Poised to Be Leading 20nm Chip Supplier: Analysts. Taipei Times, Dec 12, 2013.


“to start high-volume production of its most advanced 20-nanometer (nm) chips next month

Co-CEO Mark Liu says “ that the company recently initiated the production of 16nm chips and planned to begin mass production within a year. TSMC has made US$5.4 billion in revenue from advanced 28nm chips this year and the figure is expected to increase again next year, Liu said.

Note: Intel 22nm Technology. Intel, undated
www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ ... 2nm-technology.html
(“now 22nm with the world's first 3-D transistor in a high volume logic process beginning in 2011”)
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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2013 08:34:28 | 只看该作者
(3) Lorraine Luk, Taiwan Tech Firm Tops Fastest-Growing Companies’ List. Digits (a brand of Wsj.com), Dec 10, 2013.


(a) “A recent report by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd [called 勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所 in Taiwan] said China Communications Media Group 中國通訊多媒體集團有限公司, a Taiwanese apps and games store operator, was the fastest-growing technology firm in terms of revenue growth in Asia-Pacific in 2013.

(b) “China Communications Media, which targets mobile phone users in China and has more than 100 million subscribers in the country, saw its revenue increase by 266 times over the past three years, Deloitte said, without elaborating on the amount of revenue.

“China Communications’ chairman and founder, Albert Lam, said he founded the company in 2009 when smartphones began to gain in popularity in China, the world’s largest mobile phone market.

“‘We saw great potential in the wireless Internet space, especially in China where GoogleGOOG +0.02%’s official app store has not been available,’ Mr. Lam said in an interview.

(c) “With 128 companies ranked in the top 500 list, China overtook Taiwan as the top market with the largest number of fast-growing companies in Asia Pacific this year, Deloitte said.

“Among sectors [in revenue growth in Asia_Pacific--not China itself--in 2013, the scope of Touche Ltd report], the software sector pushed aside the semiconductor industry.
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