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渔民从南海捞起的导弹 + TW Radar + '中国霸权'

发表于 12-12-2013 16:41:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Submarines: Klub Wreckage Found In The South China Sea. Strategy Page, Dec 12, 2013.


"ast August cell phone photos appeared showing the beat up airframe of a Russian 3M54 “Klub” anti-ship missile had recently hauled in by a fishermen off southern China. One can surmise that this was fired by one of the dozen Kilo class submarines in the Chinese Navy. The Kilo class submarine is the primary user of Klub, although a growing number of surface ships use it as well. But the only vessels anywhere near southern China that uses Klub are Chinese Kilo class submarines. What the fishing boat dragged in was apparently a training missile that landed in the water and sank. The Chinese Navy refuses to issue any comment but did come and pick up the wreckage.

"India also has all of its nine Kilo class submarines equipped with Klub missiles. India had some problems in the past with Klub and China apparently had similar difficulties.

"The anti-ship version has a range of up to 300 kilometers, and speeds up to 3,000 kilometers an hour during its last minute or so of flight.

"Missiles like Klub are considered "carrier killers," but it's not known how many of them would have to hit a carrier to knock it out of action, much less sink it. Moreover, Russian missiles have little combat experience, and a reputation for erratic performance. Quality control was never a Soviet strength

(a) photos:

杀光小倭, 请大家研判渔民从南海捞起的导弹(转自凤凰网). 超级大本营 (CJDBY) 军事网站, Aug 6, 2013

, whose photo 1 was from

三杉, 中国渔民从海里打捞出的是啥导弹. 凤凰网, Aug 6, 2013
(b) 3M-54 Klub
(Its US Department of Defense (DOD) designation is "SS-N-27A" with the NATO codename of "Sizzler;" The name of "Klub" is used for export versions; a surface ship and submarine-launched anti-ship missile)
(c) The noun klub--among German, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Russian languages--is "club" (in English).

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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2013 16:41:39 | 只看该作者
(2) Intelligence: Taiwan Tops China In The Worst Possible Way. Strategy Page, Dec 12, 2013.
("he Leshan radar is based on the U.S. Air Force Pave Paws early warning radar. * * * Taiwan was allowed to get the Pave Paws technology as an alternative to the four Aegis destroyers the Taiwanese wanted to buy. * * * Pave Paws is an ultra-high-frequency system with a phased array radar")

(The radar is considered hazardous to aircraft flying within one nautical mile of the antenna at altitudes below 4,500 ft (1,400 m); The PAVE PAWS system, like all radars, operates with very powerful pulses of radio energy. In this case the range of radio frequencies is 400 MHz to about 430 MHz)
(b) electromagnetic radiation
(section 3 Electromagnetic spectrum: the table shows "UHF (ultrahigh frequency): 300 MHz-3GHz")

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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2013 16:41:46 | 只看该作者
(3) 中国霸权与美国对策. VOA Chinese, Dec 12, 2013
("美国一组军事专家在国会作证 [众议院军事委员会12月11号星期三] 的时候警告说,中国最近设立东海防空识别区的方式再次显示北京正走向亚洲霸权,并视国际准则而不顾,然而美国缺乏一个应对中国霸权的战略")
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