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歼八失事+南京事件+张成泽朝鲜内政+Submarine-Launched UAV

发表于 12-13-2013 08:40:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 中国歼八夜航训练失事飞行员丧生. BBC Chinese, Dec 13, 2013
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... hina_j8_crash.shtml

(a) Shenyang J-8  歼-8
(a single-seat interceptor; First flight 1969; Status  In service; Produced  1979 – present; section 1.3 Soviet connection)  

(b) Ilya Kramnik, China Copies Obsolete Russian Fighter. RIA Novosti, Apr 25, 2008
("Throughout the 1960s and the 1970s, China failed to develop any new aircraft, instead manufacturing the Q-5 and J-8 - revamped versions of the MiG-19 Farmer and MiG-21 Fishbed fighters")

* "In 1988, China bought production forms and records for Israel's Lavi multi-role fighter. Sixteen years later, in 2004, China mastered production of the Chengdu J-10 - an essentially Israeli warplane featuring Russian avionics."

IAI Lavi
was a failed project.

(c) James Dunnigan, Chinese Navy Obtains Illegal Aircraft. Strategy Page, May 31, 2010
www.strategypage.com/dls/article ... craft-5-31-2010.asp

has an extensive look into J-8.

* turkey (n): "Meaning 'inferior show, failure,' is 1927 in show business slang, probably from the bird's reputation for stupidity."
Online Etymology Dictionary, undated.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-13-2013 08:41:19 | 只看该作者
(2) 中国:处决张成泽纯属朝鲜内政. BBC Chinese, Dec 13, 2013
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... a_chang_china.shtml
("中国外交部发言人洪磊星期五(12月13日)说 * * * 平壤当天稍早时候证实,张成泽被特别军事法庭星期四(12日)裁定颠覆国家阴谋罪成立,判处死刑,并已即时执行。 * * * 官方朝中社星期五刊登的判决书中提到,张成泽的卖国行为包括在今年5月以50年为期向外国出卖罗先经济贸易区的地皮,以套现还债。判决书没有点名任何国家,但中国目前在罗先特区有不少投资,包括港口、农业和公路建设等。洪磊在被问到罗先特区的投资时强调,中国在两国友好互利原则之下与朝鲜发展经贸关系,中方希望而且相信中朝经贸以后还将健康向前发展")

(3) 拜登与安倍通话重申美不承认中方识别区. BBC Chinese, Dec 13, 2013
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... ina_diplomacy.shtml
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 楼主| 发表于 12-13-2013 08:41:40 | 只看该作者
(4) 在日本被质疑与冷淡的'南京事件.' BBC Chinese, Dec 13, 2013
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... assacre_japan.shtml

(a) "BBC中文网记者周五在谷歌日文网搜索,输入“南京”两个汉字时,自动出现的是'南京虫、' '南京锁,' 不见任何与政治有关的名词。"
(i) For 南京虫, see トコジラミ 床虱
(学名:Cimex lectularius; 英語:Bed bug; 別名、南京虫 なんきんむし)
* toko 床 【とこ】 (n): "bed"
* shrami しらみ《虱; 蝨》  (n): "louse"
(ii) Regarding 南京锁. It is written 南京錠 鍵.
* jō 錠 【じょう】 (n): "lock; padlock"
* kagi 鍵 【かぎ】 (n): "(1) key; (2) (See 錠) lock <ドアを開ける際に、私は鍵を壊してしまった。 In opening the door, I broke the lock>"
(iii) Taiwan did not have such terms as 南京虫 or 南京锁, when I departed in 1984.

(b) "叙述还说:12月7日蒋介石逃出南京、9日日军司令松井石根率领上海派遣军和第10军包围南京"
(i) We in Taiwan were never told Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was THERE; his whereabouts in that battle were never mentioned and nobody was curious.
(ii) 南京事件 (1937年)
(1937年11月、第二次上海事変に投入された松井石根司令官率いる上海派遣軍と第10軍は、軍中央の方針を無視して首都 南京に攻め上った; 蒋介石は12月7日に南京を脱出し、後を任された唐生智も12月12日に逃亡した)

translation of the first sentence in quotation: In November 1937 commander MATSUI Iwane [1878-1948; executed as B級戦犯], head of Shanghai Expeditionary Army and the 10th Army, ignoring the policy from military headquarters, marched on the capital.

semenoboru 攻め上る; 攻上る 【せめのぼる】 (v): "to march on the capital"  
* The above Wiki page went on to say "1937年12月13日の南京陥落の翌日から約6週間にわたって行われた南京城の城内・城外の掃討でも、大規模な残虐行為が行われたと言われている."

translation: It is said that large scale of 残虐 cruelty/brutality/atrocity [depending on one translates that pair of Japanese words] was conducted within and without City of Nanking, starting one day after the fall of Nanking on Dec 13, 2013.
* Nanking Massacre
(section 7 Recall of Matsui and Asaka)
* According to Ja.wikipedia.org, 第二次上海事変 (also known as 上海戦 in Japan): Aug 13, 1937-Oct 26, 1937
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 楼主| 发表于 12-13-2013 08:41:59 | 只看该作者
(5) Korea: A Stalinist Soap Opera With Real Bullets. Strategy Page, Dec 13, 2013
("What haunts the communist bureaucrats who run North Korea and China is the local history of spontaneous mass uprisings that can overthrow police states. It’s happened over the past few thousand years. The people may not want a revolution just now in China or North Korea, but the people may, like the communist subjects of Eastern Europe and Russia did starting in 1989, just start saying “enough” and doing the impossible.  That scenario is also threatening to play out in North Korea. There an even harsher socialist dictatorship has threatened a key portion of China’s defensive strategy by coming closer to collapse. China wants buffer states on its borders to keep potential foes as far as possible from the heartland")

(6) Submarines: Son Of Tomahawk Takes It Slow. Strategy Page, Dec 13, 2013
("The US Navy recently launched a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) from a submarine. This was done using much of the same tech used to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles from torpedo tubes, the XFC UAV deploys larger wings than a Tomahawk and is apparently more maneuverable and moves much more slowly (54-93 kilometers an hour versus 880 kilometers an hour for the Tomahawk). Thus while the Tomahawk only stays in the air for about two hours the XFC can remain in the air for over eight hours and uses propeller propulsion and not a jet engine. The XFC is powered by electricity, from a fuel cell rather than a battery. The XFC made its first flight in 2009 and may enter service in a few years is [sic; should be "if"] the navy perceives a real need")

(a) Daniel Parry, Navy Launches UAV from Submerged Submarine. Naval Research Lab (NRL), US avy, Dec 5, 2013.
www.nrl.navy.mil/media/news-rele ... submerged-submarine
Naval Research Lab, US avy, Dec 5, 2013.
(b) Perhaps Sea Robin XFC is a secret research program, so the only photos in the Web are those two released by NRL.

Dick Thompson, NRL's XFC UAS Achieves Flight Endurance Milestone. NRL, Aug 6, 2009.
http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/ne ... endurance-milestone
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