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发表于 12-18-2013 16:44:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Dec 18, 2013.
www.voachinese.com/content/china ... 131218/1813016.html

three consecutive paragraphs:

"根据加州中区联邦法庭文件 (CV12-05216 JGB(PLAx,12月17日),双方根据12月12日庭议结果,该案已全部结案(the case has settled in its entirety)。法庭17日还说:双方在2014年1月31日之前,应提交结案所需要的合理协议,或者是因为和解协议没有实施而要求重启案件,否则,法庭在2014年2月1日将宣布此案撤销。


"法庭在上周末(12月12日)说,加州中区联邦法官玛格丽特.娜格尔(Margaret Nagle)、原告章子怡、原告律师(两位,John E. Mason 和Adam LeBerthon)、被告律师(两位, Loring Rose 和 Kenneth P.White)代表被告孟维参(不在场)达成协议:进一步解决问题商讨会议将不对外公开。这次庭议原则达成不对外公开的解决问题方案。

(a) The case number CV12-05216 JGB(PLAx)  denotes
(i) that this is a civil action (CV), as opposed to a criminal case (CR);
(ii) that the case was filed in 2012, and number 5216 of that year;
(iii) that the case was randomly assigned--because a case is almost always randomly assigned--to District Judge Jesus G BERNAL,  Eastern division (based in Riverside, California) of United States District Court for the Central District of California.
(A) Riverside, California
(a city in Riverside County; [city] named for its location beside the Santa Ana River)
(B) There are four (4) United States District Courts in California: for Norther District (headquartered in San Francisco), Southern District (San Diego), Central District (Los Angeles) and Eastern District (Sacramento).

United States District Court
(C) United States District Court for the Central District of California
has three (3) divisions: Eastern, Western and Southern.
(D) At the time of random assignment, United States Magistrate Judge Paul L Abrams (PLA) was also assigned for discovery (motions, depositions etc) in case the District Judge requests service of a Magistrate Judge on the behalf of District Judge (because the latter is too busy).

To differentiate a Magistrate Judge from a District Judge, the letter "x" is added to as a suffix. See

Court Information. United States District Court for the Central District of California
((code) PLAx: (Flag Definitions) Discovery Magistrate Judge Paul L Abrams

* There is only ONE district in Massachusetts. United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts (headquartered in Boston) only have District Judge's initials affixed the case number (without the initial of a Magistrate Judge).

(b) For some reason that is not apparent, the case was assigned to Magistrate Judge Margaret A NAGLE of that division, at least for settlement purpose.

(c) That district also have a minute (meaning "small") order that Massachusetts district does not have.
(i) Regarding Voice of America mentions a Dec 12, 2013 minute order.
(ii) United States is wonderful: everything is free. Even though I have been doing litigations in federal courts for almost two decades, I have not heard of this website. In any event, I just locate the entire docket--and updated to the minute--of the case:

(Docket #86  Filed: 12/12/2013. Entered: 12/12/2013)

"Filed" means the date  of judge's order, whereas "Entered" means the date a court clerk entered the order into the docket--the date that really counts (by starting the clock if any).


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