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CN’s First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

发表于 1-14-2014 16:03:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In chronological order.

(1) Bill Gertz, China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle; Test is part of a new arms race for super fast weaponry. Washington Free Beacon, Jan 13, 2014.


"The [China's] test of the new hypersonic glide vehicle was carried out Jan 9 and the experimental weapon is being dubbed the WU-14 by the Pentagon, said officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"The hypersonic craft appears designed to be launched atop one of China’s intercontinental ballistic missiles, and then glides and maneuvers at speeds of up to 10 times the speed of sound from near space en route to its target, the officials said. A Pentagon spokesman confirmed the test but declined to provide details.

"Hypersonic speed is between 3,840 miles per hour and 7,680 miles per hour, also known as Mach 5 to Mach 10.

"Current US hypersonic research is being carried out by the Pentagon and Air Force through the Force Application and Launch from Continental United States, known as the FALCON program. Several vehicles are being studied, including the Lockheed HTV-2 or Hypersonic Technology Vehicle, an unmanned, missile-launched maneuverable aircraft * * * Boeing is also working on the X-51 WaveRider, an aircraft-launched, scramjet-powered vehicle * * * Another vehicle is the U.S. Air Force experimental X-37B Space Plane

My comment:
(a) Information is sketchy (including whether it was successful; how long, if any, the flight lasted; whether command center could maintain contact with it in flight; etc), because US is not talking--as usual.
(b) The report is lengthy, but the above is all you need to know. Quotation 4, about various US programs, talks about systems that are not just experimental, but rudimentary.

(2) Bill Gertz, Congress Voices Concerns About Chinese Hypersonic Missile Test; High-speed missile vehicle a technological ‘leap’ for Beijing. Washington Free Beacon, Jan 14, 2014.

My comment: There is no need to read at all, because few people in US know anything, who are not talking. One can not trust a source that requests anonymity.

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 楼主| 发表于 1-15-2014 15:36:38 | 只看该作者
中国证实试验高超音速武器载具. BBC Chinese, Jan 15, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... sonic_confirm.shtml

Note: The report is based on
(a) 国防部:中国超高速导弹试验不针对任何国家. Xinhua, Jan 15, 2014
(来源: 国际在线; with another report from Huanqiu)
(b) Committee Members React to Chinese Hyper Sonic Missile Test. Jan 13, 2014
("House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P "Buck" McKeon, Rep Randy Forbes (VA) and Rep Mike Rogers (AL) issued the following statement")

Washington Free Beacon reported it the same day.

美国国会审视中国海上'挑衅.' VOA Chinese, Jan 15, 2014
www.voachinese.com/content/congr ... 140115/1830928.html
(就东中国海和南中国海正在恶化的安全局势, "众议院外交关系委员会和军事委员会1月14号召集了这场联合听证会")
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