(2) Livestock farming | Meat and Greens; A lot can be done to make meat-eating less bad for the planet.
www.economist.com/news/internati ... net-meat-and-greens
three consecutive paragraphs:
"Among the lessons of the research is that white meat wins out over red for environmental reasons as well as health ones. It takes 2kg of feed to produce 1kg of chicken; 3kg for 1kg of pork. The ratio for lamb is between four and six to one; for beef, between five and 20 to one. And cows need five times as much feed to produce 1kg of protein as meat than to produce it as milk.
"A cow in America or Europe [both favoring industrial scale of livestock farming] eats 75-300kg of hay and other dry matter per kilo of protein; in Africa, which has the largest number of traditional pastoralists [AND smallholders], she needs 500kg or more. On the dry rangelands of Ethiopia and South Sudan, the figure is up to 2,000kg.
"Switching from pastoralism to feeding cattle with grain [which environmentalists hate, contending grass or hay is the only 'natural' food for cattle] would dramatically improve efficiency. Just how much can be seen from milk yields. Between 1950 and 2000, they doubled in the Netherlands, from 3,560 litres per cow per year to 7,180. In Africa the improvement was zero.
(a) The title Meat and Greens is a wordplay on "meet and greet."
(b) Skip the first half and start reading from the paragraph that begins with "So what sort of livestock farming can satisfy growing demand while using land, water and crops more rationally? Recent papers by Mario Herrero of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and colleagues argue that the answer is intensive livestock farming [or 'factory farming' as environmentalists deride."
Herrero m ET AL, Biomass Use, Production, Feed Efficiencies, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Global Livestock Systems. Proceedings of National Academic Sciences, _: _ (online release before publication).
(c) Just yesterday, there is a report about ranch pigs (not just chickens now). Looking at the vastness of the ranch for a few pigs (as shown in photos accompanying the report), I considered it a bad joke.
Stephanie Strom, A pasture for the Pigs; Demand grows for hogs that are raised humanely outdoors. New York Times, Jan 21, 2013,
whose excerpt in the window of print is: Shunning pork from pigs kept in small crates or pens.