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发表于 2-10-2014 09:12:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jane Perlez, 与日本交恶,中国建馆纪念安重根. 纽约时报中文网, Feb 10, 2014

, which is translated from

Jane Perlez, China's Exhibitions, Part of an Anti-Japan Campaign, Reflects an Escalating Feud; In Harbin, a Korean is lauded for killing a Japanese politician. New York Times, Feb 9, 2014.

six consecutive paragraphs:

The Abe administration labeled Mr AHN Jung-geun 安重根 (1879-1910) as a terrorist. "The [Harbin] memorial, by contrast, depicts Mr Ahn as a scholarly, serious and brave freedom fighter.

"He was 29, well educated (in Confucian classics), and a member of the armed resistance against Japan when he decided to kill Mr [Hirobumi] Ito, a four-time prime minister, and in Japanese history, generally depicted as a reformer.

"Before the assassination in 1909, Mr Ahn and a group of fellow conspirators cut their fourth fingers and used the blood to write 'Korean independence 大韓獨立' in Chinese on a Korean national flag. He was then elected leader of the group of 12, which called itself the 'Cut Finger Association 同義斷指會.'

"Accounts from the period say that Mr Ahn learned that Mr Ito was planning to visit Harbin, then a boom town, to meet with the Russian finance minister, Vladimir Kokovtsov, to discuss their countries’ competing interests in Manchuria after the 1904-5 Russo-Japanese War.

"After shooting Mr Ito three times in the chest, Mr Ahn was captured by Russian soldiers. He was handed over to the Japanese in Manchuria, put on trial and executed on Feb 14, 1910.

“'I didn’t do this as an individual, I did it as a soldier of the Korean Volunteer Army 朝鮮義勇軍 [KVA, which later 'helped the Chinese Communists during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War': en.wikipedia.org], and I did it for my motherland’s independence and for peace in the East,' says an inscription [at the Harbin museum] under a photo of Mr Ahn at his trial.

(a) The above Chinese haracters are hanja (Korean way of spelling 漢字.

Kuiwon 歸源 (pen name 號), KIM Taekyeong--Upon Hearing Ahn Junggeun’s Feat of Repaying the Foe of the Nation 金澤榮, 聞安重根報國讐事. Annotated Translations of Classical Chinese Works Written by Korean Authors  漢詩•漢文 英譯, Oct 28, 2013
is notable in the following three:
(i) "Kim Taek’yeong (金澤榮, 김택영, 1850-1927) was a late Chosun dynasty literati bureaucrat and later a Korean independence activist, albeit not as well known as the others in this series of translations."
(ii) "He [Ahn] also wrote the poem below on the very night before he assassinated Ito Hirobumi.

丈夫歌 ["A Man's Song; An alternate name for this poem is the 'Song of Harbin' 哈爾濱歌"]
丈夫處世兮 其志大矣
時造英雄兮 英雄造時
雄視天下兮 何日成業
東風漸寒兮 壯士義烈

憤慨一去兮 必成目的
鼠竊伊藤兮 豈肯比命
萬歲萬歲兮 大韓獨立
萬歲萬歲兮 大韓同胞

(iii) a photo of "the blood to write 'Korean independence' in Chinese on a Korean national flag" (New York Times)

(i) Japanese Wikipedia for the page of 安重根 says of Mr ITŌ: "暗殺当時枢密院議長で、同年6月に韓国統監を退任."
(ii) ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤 博文
(1841-Oct 26, 1909; section 1.4 As Resident General of Korea: he was actually against the annexation [of Korea]; (the first) Resident General of Korea 1905- June 14, 1909)
(iii) Privy Council of Japan  枢密院
(1888-1947; Modeled in part upon the Privy Council [which traced its origin to antiquity] of the United Kingdom, this body advised the throne on matters of grave importance)


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