賈斯廷•羅拉特, 記者來鴻:那天,我惹翻了亞努科維奇. BBC Chinese, Mar 6, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/fooc ... ed_yanukovych.shtml
, which is translated from
Justin Rowlatt, The Day I Enraged Viktor Yanukovych. BBC, Feb 28, 2014.
(an interview three years ago--the following January (2011, ‘when the Arab Spring was in full bloom’) after Yanukovych retook the presidency in 2010)
(a) maidan
("originally Arabic, also exists in Ukrainian, Urdu, Persian, Turkish, Armenian, Georgian, Crimean Tatar and other languages, meaning any open space area, park or square")
(b) “‘Fashion experts urge BBC scruffs to smarten up,’ ran the page-three headline [of Sunday Times], above a photograph of me.”
(i) scruff (n): ”(informal) an untidy scruffy person”
The Collins dictionary does not have etymology for the word. However, the www.m-w.com--under the page of “scruffy”--indicates etymology of the adjective: “English dialect scruff something worthless; First Known Use 1871”
(ii) smarten (vt, vi)