Dan Levin, 喀什老城改造,新怨旧恨难平. 纽约时报中文网, Mar 7, 2014 (喀什日志)
(喀什老城 Old City of Kashgar)
, which is translated from
Dan Levin, China Remodels an Ancient Silk Road City, and an Ethnic Rift Widens. New York Times, Mar (Kashgar Journal).
(a) "Some residents are pleased. 'Even though the neighborhood has changed, we’re much happier with our new house,' said a dressmaker who identified herself only as Ayesha, standing in her new kitchen. Though none of the arabesque filigree details of her family’s 500-year-old residence were preserved, she said, her family incorporated traditional design elements into the new doors and windows. 'It’s a lot safer,' she added."
(The English word filigree is shortened from the earlier use of filigreen which derives from Latin "filum" meaning thread and "granum" grain, in the sense of small bead)
(b) "What remains of the Old City is rapidly being turned into an ethnic theme park, with a $5 admission charge. The Beijing Zhongkun Investment Group has leased the area from the neighborhood Communist Party committee and is marketing it as a 'living Uighur folk museum.'”
cn.nytimes.com translates this way: "老城的遗迹正在迅速变成一个民族主题公园,门票为5美元(30元人民币)。北京中坤投资集团已经从这个社区的党委那里租用了这片区域,将其宣传为 '维吾尔族活的民俗博物馆。'"