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王霜舟, 台湾抗议者占领立法院,反对两岸贸易协议

发表于 3-20-2014 09:52:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-20-2014 12:26 编辑

纽约时报中文网,  Mar 20, 2014

, which is translated from

Austin Ramsey, Trade Deal Spurs Priotest in Taiwan. New York Times, Mar 20, 2014, at A6.

My comment:
(a) At last a news report (unrelated to tech) about Taiwan in a major American media outlet.

(b) In print, the report carries ANOTHER photo (credit: "Wally Santana/ Associated press").
(c) The report supplies a link to 「318人民奪回立院退回服貿行動」新聞稿, appearing in Facebook.
(i) "目前全國已有百分之七十三民眾表達應該逐條審查,其中包含百分六十八的國民黨支持者"
refers to a poll or polls, which I did not know of until yesterday.
(ii) "運用司法程序違法監聽"
obviously alludes to 王金平-柯建銘 關說司法. The investigators obtained search warrants to tap a few phones *both landlines and cellphones), some of which had nothing to do with targets and discontinued days or a week later. Those tappings did not intentionally breach laws.

(c) The origin of the event (which is the occupation of Taiwan's legislature for the first time in hisotry):

民進黨就服貿將發動 '全民包圍立法院.'  BBC Chinese, Mar 18, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/chin ... e_demonstrate.shtml
("在服貿協議 [short for 兩岸服貿協議] 未逐條審查及表決下,國民黨立委張慶忠周一 [Mar 17] 在立法院朝野對峙中拿起麥克風宣佈該協議"依法視為已審查"並解散會議,馬英九政府則迅即發佈新聞稿表示 '感謝張慶忠辛勞。' 民進黨並不接受張慶忠此一宣佈,主席蘇貞昌表示該黨將在本周五立法院召開院會時,發動全民包圍立法院")
(i) However, before DPP 民進黨 did move, college students on their own rushed into the legislature in the evening of Mar 17, beat back police's attempt to swarm into teh legislature through the narrow entrances of Legislature (blocked with chairs by students), and occupy it up to now.
(ii) A photo in this BBC report shows a woman holding sign that said "九趴" which is "9%" (approval rating of president Ma Ying-jeou).
(d) 威克, 分析:台學生佔領立法院讓藍綠兩派尷尬. BBC Chinese, Mar 18, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/chin ... 9_ana_kmt_dpp.shtml

威克, in my view, is not a native of Taiwan; he or she often could not grab essence of things there. But this report seems reasonable. Many KMT legislators have to worry about the elections late this year (in the same manner Democrats in US are rebelling against president Obama). Otherwise the agreement should be easy to pass, given KMT's almost three quarters of seats in the legislature.


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 楼主| 发表于 3-20-2014 09:52:29 | 只看该作者
(2) 圖輯:台灣學生佔領立法院抗議服貿協議. BBC Chinese, Mar 19, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/mult ... taiwanprotest.shtml
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