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NYTimes 'Museums' (II)

发表于 3-22-2014 16:57:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
David Wallis, Golden Age of Discovery * * * Down in the Basements; Among hidden gems unearthed: a new species and a rare Picasso.
www.nytimes.com/2014/03/20/arts/ ... -the-basements.html

(a) "Timothy J Standring, a curator at the Denver Art Museum * * * in 2007, he found a keeper in a bin: a filthy oil painting of a Venice piazza in a battered frame. He suspected that the painting, which was attributed to a student of the Italian landscape painter known as Canaletto, might be by the celebrated teacher himself. * * * His hunch proved right; in 2012, after extensive research and restoration by the museum, an eminent Canaletto scholar pronounced Mr Standring’s find an early work by the old master. 'Venice: The Molo From the Bacino di S Marco' now hangs in the Denver museum."
(i) Denver Art Museum
, founded in 1893, is private, nonprofit.
(ii) Canaletto
(Giovanni Antonio Canal; 1697 – 1768; painted Venice)
(iii) "Venice: The Molo From the Bacino di S Marco"
(A) Piazza San Marco
(section 5 Flooding)
(B) Italian English dictionary
* molo (noun masculine; from Latin [noun feminine] mōles "jetty"): "jetty, pier, quay, dock"
* bacino (noun masculine; from Latin bacinus):
"2 (geography) basin
3 (geology) field (e.g. of coal)
4: (nautical) dock"

Compare English noun basin (n; Middle English, from Old French bacin, from medieval Latin bacinus, from bacca 'water container', perhaps of Gaulish origin)
Oxford dictionaries

(b) "In 2012, after researching the whereabouts of a rare Picasso sculpture, Guernsey’s auction house in New York alerted the Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science in Evansville, Ind, that it might own the work, titled 'Seated Woman With Red Hat.' Arlan Ettinger, the president of the auction house, characterized the initial response he received from the museum as 'Picasso? What Picasso?' But the museum’s director soon called back in a state of 'euphoria,' Mr Ettinger said. The prized sculpture was found hanging on an art rack in storage.  Picasso produced it in the 1950s using a technique to layer colored glass called gemmail (and known by the plural gemmaux). The Picasso’s original owner, the industrial designer Raymond Loewy, donated the Modern work to the Evansville museum in 1963, promising to later transfer the sculpture. When it arrived five years later, the museum, according to its website, attributed 'Seated Woman With Red Hat' to the phantom artist Gemmaux — confusing the name of the technique with the artist’s name. The Evansville Museum intends to sell the sculpture, which Mr Ettinger values at $30 million to $40 million, dwarfing the museum’s $6.4 million endowment."
(A) Guernsey’s auction house was founded in 1975 by a young couple (Ms Barbara Mintz and Mr Arlan Ettinger, both advertising executives).
(B) The German surname Ettinger is "for someone from any of several places in southern Germany, northern Alsace, or Switzerland named Etting, Ettingen, or Öttingen."
(C) Except its name, the auction house has nothing to do with

(an island in English Channel, belonging to UK; section 1 Etymology)
(ii) Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science (founded in 1904; private and nonprofit)
(iii) Mia Partlow, For Museum, Long-Lost Picasso Is Too Costly To Keep. NPR, Sept 10, 2012 (painting: Seated Woman With Red Hat).
www.npr.org/2012/09/10/160132025 ... -too-costly-to-keep
(iv) germmail

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 楼主| 发表于 3-22-2014 16:58:40 | 只看该作者

(c) "Museums can increase the odds of a rediscovery by welcoming visiting scholars. 'I’m more apt to make a find of something in another museum than my own,' said Mark A. Norell, curator at the American Museum of Natural History’s Division of Paleontology. * * * While he was a visiting scholar to the Field Museum, Kristofer M Helgen, a curator at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, discovered a new species of mammal. In 2003, he was rifling through a large metal cabinet deep in the recesses of the museum, examining the skins of olingos (a raccoon relative) collected in the 1950s. Some of the skins with red-orange fur stood out. * * * After a decade of additional research, Mr. Helgen announced in 2013 the finding of the new species, which he named the olinguito."
(i) American Museum of Natural History
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Museum_of_Natural_History(Established in 1869; in Manhattan)
(ii) Bassaricyon
(a genus; popularly known as olingos; native to the rainforests of Central and South America; arboreal and nocturnal)
(iii) olinguito
(Spanish for "little olingo"/ Bassaricyon neblina; lives in montane forests)

(d) “Not only experienced scientists make discoveries in museums and archives; interns and students offer fresh eyes and reservoirs of energy. Like many cultural institutions, the New York State Museum is re-examining its collection during a digitization initiative. Last year, an intern on the project noticed a reel-to-reel tape with a label that read 'Martin Luther King Jr, Emancipation Proclamation Speech 1962.'  The museum had uncovered the only known recording of a speech Mr King delivered in New York, marking the centenary of President Abraham Lincoln’s preliminary Emancipation Proclamation."
(i) reel-to-reel audio tape recording
(ii) New York State Museum
(Established 1836; Operated by the New York State Education Department's Office of Cultural Education, it is the nation's oldest and largest state museum)
(iii) Emancipation Proclamation
(issued by President Abraham Lincoln on Jan 1, 1863; On Sept 22, 1862, Lincoln had issued a preliminary proclamation that he would order the emancipation of all slaves in any state (or part of a state) that did not end their rebellion against the Union by Jan 1, 1863)

(e) “The New York State Museum’s find followed the 2012 discovery of an audio recording of a speech Malcolm X gave at Brown University in 1961. Malcolm Burnley, a senior at Brown in 2012, was leafing through old copies of the student newspaper while researching a nonfiction writing assignment, when he spotted a photo of Malcolm X and a brief article recounting a visit to the campus by the Nation of Islam leader. ‘To see that he gave a speech, and it was so little documented, I found very shocking,’ Mr Burnley said.  Mr Burnley later learned that Malcolm X had asked to speak at the university after reading an essay in The Brown Daily Herald (edited by Richard C Holbrooke, then a student, later a top American diplomat), criticizing the Nation of Islam. School administrators ‘were not interested in dipping into the racial dialogue at the time,’ Mr Burnley said. “If they were going to invite a black speaker to campus, it wasn’t going to be Malcolm X.’ But Mr. Holbrooke, who had invited Malcolm X to campus, protested; he threatened to move the student newspaper off campus, prompting administrators to back down.  Katharine Pierce, who wrote the critique that inspired Malcolm X to speak at Brown, tipped off Mr Burnley that she had donated a tape of the long-forgotten speech to the university’s archive. ‘It had just been sitting there, not digitized,’ said Mr Burnley, who found the speech revelatory.  As Malcolm X makes the case for black nationalism in the recording, many in the audience can be heard gasping, Mr Burnley recounted. But ‘by the end of the hour, he is getting applause from almost the entire audience.’”
(i) Malcolm X
Malcolm Xen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_X
(1925-1965; born Malcolm Little; From age 14 to 21 [1946] Little held a variety of jobs while living with his half-sister Ella Little-Collins in Roxbury, a largely African-American neighborhood of Boston; In 1946, he was arrested while picking up a stolen watch he had left at a shop for repairs, and in February began serving an eight-to-ten year sentence at Charlestown State Prison for larceny and breaking and entering; paroled in 1952 [age 27])
(ii) Richard Holbrooke

(f) “Occasionally, discoveries at cultural institutions spur controversy. At the turn of the 20th century, the Springfield Science Museum in Springfield, Mass, acquired an artifact that it labeled 'Aleutian Hat' and socked it away. Last year, Ellen Savulis, the museum’s curator of anthropology, learned about the object while planning a new exhibition about Native Americans of the Northwest. * * * [She] ventured into the museum’s storage area for a look at the hat. On a shelf, she found the sculptured head of an eagle-like bird with a prominent beak 'carved from a solid piece of wood that still retains the original colors,' she said. After research, Ms Savulis concluded that it did not resemble an Aleutian hat.  The Alaska State Museum later identified the artifact as a valuable Tlingit war helmet (circa 1800-1850), one of fewer than 100 in existence. Tribal leaders now want their warrior’s helmet back. The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska intends to request repatriation of the helmet, a lengthy and costly process.”
(i) From the museum website: “The origins of the [private, nonprofit] Springfield Science Museum go back to 1859, the same year that Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species.”
(ii) Established in 1900, Alaska State Museum is located in in Juneau, Alaska (capital; named after gold prospector Joe Juneau).
(iii) Tlingit people
(Their name for themselves is Lingít, meaning "People of the Tides"/ section 1 Territory [different from Aleutians])
(iv) A Hidden Treasure Revealed: Rare Tlingit War Helmet Discovered at Spring Science Museum. Springfield Science Museum, Dec 18, 2013
www.springfieldmuseums.org/news/ ... ield_science_museum
(“Upon further investigation, Dr Savulis found that the only type of wooden hat made in the treeless Aleutians is the hunting hat or visor, made from a thin plank of driftwood bent into a lopsided cone. * * * Dr Savulis suspected that she had a helmet of some kind, and enlisted the help of Steve Henrikson, Curator of Collections at the Alaska State Museum in Juneau”)

(g) "In rare cases, a discovered artifact can threaten the existence of the institution where it is found. In 2012, the Bishop Bonner’s Cottage Museum, a local history museum for Dereham, England, uncovered three live grenades in a box marked 'bomb' from its archives. The local bomb squad removed the explosives, and Ray Fraser, chairman of Dereham Antiquarian Society, which owns the museum, believes it is now grenade-free."
(i) Dereham
(a town and civil parish in the English county of Norfolk; It is believed that Dereham's name derives from a deer park that existed in the area; section 6 Attractions: Notable buildings in the town include the pargetted [qv] Bishop Bonners Cottage, built in 1502)
(ii) For Bishop Bonner’s Cottage Museum, see Welcome to Dereham's Local History Museum -Bishop Bonner's Cottage
("51 years of the Bishop Bonner's Cottage Museum 1963 - 2014[:] Virtually untouched by the 21st century, this beautiful timber-framed, thatched building is particularly noted for its unusual coloured pargetting")

Atop a still photo of the museum is a photo gallery of rotating photos, one of which shows detail of pargetting.
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