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马航事件暴露中国媒体的 '软肋硬伤'

发表于 3-23-2014 09:11:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
秦轩, 观点:马航事件暴露中国媒体的 '软肋硬伤.'
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... nmissingplane.shtml

My comment:
(a) "CNN、《纽约时报》、彭博社获得马航航线线索"

CNN cable news viewership doubles thanks to its coverage of MH370 flight, yet I do not view it. (I do not watch television, much less cable.)  The first time I learned of the MH370 route was from Associated Press, resulting in my posting dated Mar 9, 2014 and titled Vietnam Says It May Have Found Missing Jet's Door. I thought nothing of it (flight route). Mr 秦, however, implies this is a secret in China.
(b) "马航失联,涉及到专业的航空领域。这方面中国新闻人能获取的资源与日常储备极为可怜。"

Sure, news media in USA have consultants in various fields, who can be tapped in breaking news. Most experts/talking heads are unpaid, in part because most people savor their 15 minutes of fame and in part because 人之患在好為人師. Why would this be different in China?
(c) "借用李普曼的观点,中国人对世界的想象还沉浸在旧壳子里。如果国人还在用40年前乃至一个世纪以前的观念去认知当下的世界 * * *"

Of course I have not heard of 李普曼. Here it is. Walter Lippmann
((1889 – 1974; an American reporter; Lippmann argued that seeing through stereotypes (which he coined in this specific meaning) subjected us to partial truths)

It turns out his notion is well known, but my guess is he did not invent it (the notion), though he did apply "stereotype" to the notion.
(d) I read the oversea edition, in Chinese, of People Daily for a year a decade ago, it was inane. The same may be said about newspapers in Taiwan and Japan. As a former reader (up to three decades ago) I am familiar with the media in Taiwan, which spend no time in research and it shows. I really enjoy reading things in US (but think Washington Post has been overrated).


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