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斯诺登披露美国安局曾监视华为: NYTimes

发表于 3-24-2014 08:35:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
David E Sanger and Nicole Perlroth, 斯诺登披露美国安局曾监视华为. 纽约时报中文网, Mar 24,2014

, whcih is translated from

David E Sanger and Nicole Perlroth, US Penetrated Chinese Servers It Saw as Spy Risk; NSA turns the tables, looking fior links to Beijing's army. New York Times, Mar 23,2014 (fron-page top article).


"The documents offer no answer to a central question: Is Huawei an independent company, as its leaders contend, or a front for the People’s Liberation Army, as American officials suggest but have never publicly proved?  Two years after Shotgiant [the codename of the operation] became a major program, the House Intelligence Committee delivered an unclassified report on Huawei and another Chinese company, ZTE, that cited no evidence confirming the suspicions about Chinese government ties. Still, the October 2012 report concluded that the companies must be blocked from 'acquisitions, takeover or mergers' in the United States, and 'cannot be trusted to be free of foreign state influence.'

"As long ago as 2007, the NSA began a covert program against Huawei, the documents show. By 2010, the agency’s Tailored Access Operations unit — which breaks into hard-to-access networks — found a way into Huawei’s headquarters.

"NSA analysts made clear that they were looking for more than just “signals intelligence” about the company and its connections to Chinese leaders; they wanted to learn how to pierce its systems so that when adversaries and allies bought Huawei equipment, the United States would be plugged into those networks.

"The NSA’s operations against China do not stop at Huawei. Last year, the agency cracked two of China’s biggest cellphone networks


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