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麦艾文:美中关系不在自动导航状态 需领导能力与远见

发表于 3-29-2014 13:08:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Mar 29, 2014.
www.voachinese.com/content/medei ... 140328/1881851.html
(美国国家安全委员会亚洲事务资深主任麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)3月28日下午在布鲁金斯学会纪念美中建交35周年研讨会上发表演讲)

two consecutive paragraphs:


"谈到美中双方长期存在的分歧,麦艾文特别提到台湾。他说,最近奥巴马与习近平在海牙举行会晤时谈到了台湾问题,双方阐述了各自的立场。不过,他说,中国外 交部在会晤后发表的声明中按照自己的想法描述了奥巴马的表态,让人感觉美国在台湾问题上的立场有所变化。他说,这种做法是不受欢迎的并催生不信任感。他建 议中国把关注点放在如何赢得台湾的民心上,而不是专注于让他们对美台关系存在不安全感。他因此特别指出,今年不仅是美中建交35周年,也是与台湾关系法签 署35周年。他说,这个法案代表了美国对台湾的坚定承诺。

(a) The Portuguese and Galician surname Medeiros is name of places so named, "from Portuguese and Galician medeiro ‘place where shocks of maize are gathered’ (a derivative of meda ‘shock’, ‘stack’, Latin meta ‘(pyramid-shaped) post’)."
(b) Evan S Medeiros was a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation in the Washington, DC office. He holds, among other degrees, MA in China Studies from the University of London (versed in Mandarin) and PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics,
(c) Past Event: 35 Years of US-China Relations: Diplomacy, Culture and Soft Power. Brookings Institution, undated (video/audio length: 2:20, two hours 20 minutes)
(4:30 [PM] 35 Years of Diplomatic Ties. [speaker:] Evan Medeiros[,] Senior Director of Asian Affairs[,]  National Security Council; Moderator[:] Cheng Li)

(d) From the entire event, perhaps the same video and audio recording:

US-China Relations, Closing Remarks. C-Span, Mar 28, 2014
("*The transcript for this program was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning")

Obviously there is a transcript, but I do not know how to access it.

(e) Xi Jinping Meets with US President Barack Obama. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People's Republic of China, Mar 25, 2014
("Xi Jinping stressed, on the Taiwan issue and Tibet-related issues, the US side should abide by its commitment of respecting China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and no support for activities aimed at splitting China. On the East China Sea issue and the South China Sea issue, the US side should adopt an objective, fair and just attitude, distinguish right from wrong and do more things helpful to promote proper resolutions to the issues and to ease the situation. * * * [Obama:] The US has no intention to damage the stability in China or contain China * * * Obama reiterated that, on the Taiwan issue and Tibet-related issues, the US side respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity")

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