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Revolutions and Small Businesses

发表于 4-15-2014 15:48:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Business and political crisis | Commissaries of the Revolution; The vital, unsung role of businesses at times of civil strife. Economist, Apr 12, 2014.
www.economist.com/news/internati ... strife-commissaries

(a) commissary (n; Middle English commissarie, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin commissarius, from Latin commissus, past participle of committere [commit])

All definitions apply.

(b) “When the shooting started in Kiev, his [Mark Zarkhin’s] pizza restaurant on Khreshchatyk, the broad avenue that bisects Independence Square (the epicentre of the revolt), was pressed into service as a shelter for the wounded.”

Maidan Nezalezhnosti
(literally: Independence Square; is the central square of Kiev; often it is called simply Maidan ("square"))

(c) "As a military adage has it, amateurs worry about strategy, professionals, about logistics. Civil upheavals likewise turn on practicalities. From the former Soviet Union to the Middle East and beyond, businesses provide the infrastructure of revolution. They can also be its beneficiaries."
(i) Alexander Proudfoot, Disciplined execution is key to success; A winning strategy. Sept 5, 2011
www.alexanderproudfoot-media.com ... -is-key-to-success/
"No growth strategy [for a company], regardless of how well devised will be successful without the most important element – effective and disciplined execution. * * * A CEO’s demise is rarely caused by the failure to develop a good strategy. Their downfall is more often a failure of poor execution. In the words of military theorist Clausewitz, 'amateurs worry about strategy, professionals worry about logistics and execution'”)

* Carl von Clausewitz
(1780-1831; Prussian; He spelled his own given name with a "C" [rather than "K"] in order to identify with the classical Western tradition; His most notable work, Vom Kriege (On War), was unfinished at his death[, that was posthumously published in 1837 and introduced “fog of war"])
(ii) Bob Sutton, Strategy Is For Amateurs, Logistics Are For Professionals. Work Matters, July 13, 2010 (blog)
("I first heard this saying a few years back from Joe McCannon of the Institute for Health Improvement [in Cambridge, Mass, but I have not heard of it], who was campaign manager for an amazing effort by this non-profit to reduce the number of preventable deaths in US Hospitals. It was called the 100,000 Lives Campaign")

(d) “Uprisings require people. Since people tend to have jobs, they often need their employers’ say-so to take to the streets. During the anti-Mubarak protests in Cairo in 2011 Aysha Selim, who runs an Egyptian film-dubbing firm, let her staff leave early to go to Tahrir Square; sometimes they worked through the night to make up for the interruptions. A software entrepreneur in western Ukraine says his business, and many other local ones, set up rotas for staff who wanted to travel to Kiev to demonstrate.
(i) say-so (n): “an authoritative pronouncement <left the hospital on the say–so of his doctor>”
(ii) dub (vt; by shortening & alteration from double; First Known Use: 1930):
"to provide (a motion-picture film) with a new sound track and especially dialogue in a different language”

(e) “Business leaders, especially those seen as impartial, can serve as mediators. Lord Rana, an Indian-born hotelier and restaurateur based in Northern Ireland, brought British officials and estranged loyalists together at private dinner parties.”

Diljit Rana, Baron Rana
(1938- )
(f) “Or consider the boost given by the upheaval in Egypt to Jumia.com, an online retailer. Internet penetration rose as people sought reliable news. And because the streets were rowdy, explains Mattia Perroni, Jumia’s boss in Egypt, people were less keen to shop on the street. Online retailers prospered.”

(“In 2012, Jeremy Hodara and Sacha Poignonnec [both white from France] founded and launched JUMIA, an e-commerce startup with an aim to mimic Amazon’s success * * * Shortly after the startup of the business, JUMIA launched in five growing countries which include: Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya and Cote d'Ivoire”/ Headquarters  Lagos, Nigeria)  

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