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发表于 4-22-2014 08:29:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Apr 22, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... nanmen_mother.shtml

My coment:
(a) BBC states, "身在美国波士顿的八九学运领袖柴玲,(21日)发表了一封《致天安门母亲丁子霖的公开信》,内容澄清一些当年关于六四的言论。"

It is incorrect. A journalist should be industrious.
(i) I presume that BBC is based on

柴玲,致天安门母亲丁子霖的公开信. 文学城, Apr 21, 2014.

, which is the only open letter one can find when one googles with the term 致天安门母亲丁子霖的公开信.

However, at the top of text was a photo whose legend reads, "柴玲:致丁子霖母亲的信 2014 年4月18日," hinting this might not be the original. Indeed, this is not.
(ii) 柴玲, 致丁子霖母亲的信. Apr 18, 2014 (revised Apr 20).

, in reply to

丁子霖, 致柴玲——一封迟复的公开信. 中国人权双周刊, June 28, 2012.

(b) "同样是当年八九学运领袖之一的王丹,在Facebook个人网页上表示尊重柴玲的立场,指柴玲发表信件前曾让他和几位朋友看过公开信的内容。他曾经建议柴玲可以私下给丁子霖回信,但柴玲坚持公开发表。"

Not a member of Facebook, I have no access to its (Facebook's) contents.

(c) I did not know of Ms Ding's open letter to Ms Cai Ling. But I am aware of some grudge against the latter. I have not been to China, yet the blame on Ms Cai, in my view, is wholy without merits. Everyone is responsible for his words and action. Cai might be a student leader, but her power was questionable--it is not as if she can order anybody to do anything. A movement participant--her fellow protes ters--should watch out for his own safety. More important, 丁子霖's son--I have not heard of 张先玲--was not gunned down at Tiananmen Sqaure, nor was the son a protester. Most important, the blame is laid sqaurely on the doorstep of Chinese Communist Party. 柴玲--and any persons other than those who ordered and excuted the order to suppress the movement--was, and is, red herring.
(d) In
, army was called, which arrived and stood by nearby in formation (where rioters could see), while the ruling clique of KMT met to discussed the emergency. President Chiang Ching-kuo decided to pull back the army, and the riot went on for days. There was news embargo (for a week or so, which continued after the riot subsided; the news embargo occurred because KMT needed time to decide what to do, utterly flabbergasted), so outsiders--meaning people who were not physically there--did not know a thing. I did not know until a fellow classmate (who was a spectator, among hundred of thousand of other spectators) returned from voting there (about 30 km away) to the college and mentioned it. Still I--probably like most Taiwanese--did not learn of any death until today.

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