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China Says Terrorism, US Says Prove It

发表于 5-2-2014 10:49:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
James T Areddy, China Says Terrorism, US Says Prove It. China Real Time, May 2, 2014
("Released on Thursday [May 1], the China section of the US State Department’s annual Country Reports on Terrorism * * * took issue with the limited information provided by China’s government following other deadly incidents that authorities likewise blamed on separatists. * * * 'Chinese authorities labeled several incidents of violence involving members of the Uighur minority as acts of terrorism,' said the State Department report. 'In general, Chinese authorities did not provide detailed evidence of terrorist involvement, and restricted the ability of journalists and international observers to independently verify official media accounts'”)

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 楼主| 发表于 5-2-2014 11:32:31 | 只看该作者
Josh Chin, Un-Forbidden City: Braving Beijing’s Biggest Tourist Attraction in a Wheelchair. China Real Time, May 2, 2014.
(It is striking "how few [Chinese] people were making use of the pathway. * * * Maggie Sun, a Beijing-based disability rights advocate with the NGO Handicap International 国际助残 who accompanied Ms [US State Department Special Advisor for International Disability Rights Judith] Heumann on the tour, said a culture of protectiveness hampered the ability of disabled people in China to be more independent. 'In China, families see it as their role to take care of disabled people. They want to protect them, so a lot of times they don’t let them out,' she said")

Note: 故宫重新开放添温馨人文关怀 残疾人畅游无障碍. 国际在线 (CRI, for China Radio International), July 17, 2008.
(in anticipation of Beijing Olympics)
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