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发表于 6-30-2014 09:22:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Tony C Dreibus, 中国减少干酒糟进口扰乱美国粮食市场. 华尔街日报中文版, June 30, 2014

, which is translated from

Tony C Dreibus, Chinese Feed Ban Jolts US Grain and Soy Markets. Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2014.


China “in recent weeks has curtailed purchases of US dried distillers' grains [DDGs], a co-product of corn ethanol that is fed to cattle and pigs, amid concerns the shipments may contain a genetic modification that Beijing hasn't approved, said industry executives and traders. The action comes after China also slowed imports of US corn over concerns about the GMO trait. China stopped issuing new import permits for the ethanol co-product, also known as DDGs”)

As an animal-feed ingredient, DDGs compete against “soybean meal, made from crushed soybeans and widely fed to hogs and chickens [but not cattle, which consume corn]

Until the ban, “China accounted for a third of US [DDG] exports last year and more than doubled its imports to 1.85 million tons in this year’s first four months from a year earlier.

“Some of the rejected corn shipments ]also due to China’s GMO concerns] were resold to buyers in other parts of Asia, such as Vietnam, South Korea and Japan, according to USDA. However, it is much harder to divert shipments of DDGs, as China is the largest buyer of the feed ingredient from the US by a large measure.

(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) The cn.wsj.com translates “dried distillers' grains” as 干酒糟.
(c) distillers grains
(d) On June 14, 2014 I had a posting titled “Goats, in Quemoy/Kinmen 金門 and in Australia,” which was about WET distillers' grains freely distributed to animal herders on the condition the latter haul distillers’ grains away at their expenses.

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