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大北农 Founder's Wife Indicted at LA for Seed Theft

发表于 7-3-2014 10:43:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jacob Bunge, 美国逮捕第二名涉嫌窃取玉米种子的中国公民. 华尔街日报中文版, July 3, 2014

, which is translated from

Jacob Bunge, Chinese Citizen Arrested in Seed Theft. Wall Street Journal, July 3, 2014.


Ms "MO Yun 莫云 was arrested in Los Angeles on Tuesday [July 1] and charged in an indictment on Wednesday with participating in a five-year scheme to dig up seeds and steal ears of corn developed by Monsato Co, DuPont Co and LG Seeds and shift them back to Beijing for the benefit of a Chinese seed company

"Wednesday's indictment followed the arrest [and the December, 2013 indictment] last year of [Mr] MO Hailong 莫 海龙, who is Ms Mo's brother, according to authorities.

"Ms Mo, 41, is the wife of Dr SHAO Genhuo 邵根伙博士, who is founder and chairman of Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group Co 北京大北农科技集团有限公司, or DBN * * * Dr Shao and DBN haven't been accused of any wrongdoing.

"Both Mr and Ms Mo worked for DBN, prosecutors said in a complaint.

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