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Economist, July 19, 2014

发表于 7-19-2014 11:58:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Japanese arms firms  | Late Starters; It will not be easy for Japan’s weapons sellers to win foreign orders. www.economist.com/news/business/ ... rders-late-starters

(a) “For years, domestic contractors have made small numbers of pricey submarines, tanks, fighter jets and other weapons for one customer: the country’s Self-Defence Forces. For example, each of the handful of Soryu diesel submarines built by Mitsubishi and Kawasaki, another industrial giant, is said to have cost around $2 billion.”

Sōryū-class submarine  蒼龍
(means blue (or green) dragon in Japanese and is named after the World War II carrier sunk during the Battle of Midway; In commission 2009- )
(b) “ShinMaywa, another Japanese [defense] firm, wants to sell an amphibious rescue aircraft to India’s navy.”

(ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd 新明和工業株式会社)

(c) “Narushige Michishita of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo”
(i) Narushige MICHISHITA   道下 徳成
(ii) National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies  政策研究大学院大学
(a national university in Tokyo, founded in 1997; a stand-alone graduate school)

(d) “Satoshi TSUTSUKIBASHI of the Keidanren, Japan’s main business lobby”

社団法人 日本経済団体連合会 産業技術本部長  続橋 聡
(i) satoi 聡い; 敏い 【さとい】 (adj): "smart; sensitive; discerning"
(ii) 日本経済団体連合会 (abbreviation in Japanese: 経団連 (pronounced “keidanren”); in English: Japan Business Federation)

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