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China’s Spy Ship in EEZ Neat Hawaii, Where RIMPAC's Held (June 26-Aug 1, 2014)

发表于 7-20-2014 11:23:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Andrew S Erickson and Emily de La Bruyere, Crashing Its Own Party: China’s Unusual Decision to Spy On Joint Naval Exercises . China Real Time, Sept 19, 2014.


During China’s first participation in international naval exercise: Rim of the Pacific, or Rimpac, a “Type 815 Dongdiao-class surveillance vessel sitting directly south of Oahu, near the US Navy’s Ronald Reagan Strike Group and other ships.

“Beijing has long argued—in opposition to international norms and the consensus of the vast majority of nations —that it has the authority to prevent surveillance activities outside its territorial waters but within its claimed EEZ. On this basis, it has bitterly opposed lawful U.S. surveillance activities and engaged in dangerous harassment of US platforms involved in them, most prominently in the Impeccable Incident of 2009.

Note: Type 815 spy ship  815型
(formerly named as Dong-Diao (东调, meaning East Investigate) 232--only one ship in this Type; section 2 Type 815G: two ships, of which one, with pennant number 851, is Beijixing (ie, North Pole Star 北极星))

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