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发表于 7-20-2014 11:24:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jacob M Schlesinger, 一个亚洲能容下几个大国?  中国实时报, July 19, 2014

, which is translated from

Jacob M Schlesinger, How Many ‘Great Powers’ Can Asia Handle?  China Real Time, July 18, 2014.
(“Aides to Mr Onodera played down the significance of the phrase. * * * Still, over the years, few Japanese public officials have used ‘taikoku’ 大国 [in Japan, “Thailand” is pronounced the same] to describe their country, at least without some kind of qualifier like ‘keizai’ 経済 (economic)”)

My comment:
(a) I do not know about China. In Taiwan, the term “great powers” is 列強.
(b) “Akihisa NAGASHIMA, an opposition party parliament member and a former vice minister of defense 防衛大臣政務官”
(i) 長島 昭久 (1962- ; party: DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan); vice minister of defense: Sept 18, 2009- September 2010, first under prime minister 鳩山由紀夫 and then under PM 菅直人)
(ii) akiraka 明らか(P[incipal]); 顕らか 【あきらか】 (n): "obvious"
Jim Breen ‘s online Japanese dictionary

Not found in that dictionary but also true are two other definitions: bright (full of light) and 賢明.
(c) “In rival China, official media are full of discussions about a ‘new type of great-power relationship 新型大国关系.’  The Chinese phrase, daguo, uses the same characters as taikoku, and in Beijing’s eyes it refers almost exclusively to the China and the US.”

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