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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 28, 2014 (II)

发表于 7-27-2014 18:21:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
===============================July 26==========Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 28, 2014 (II)=======Published on July 27
Alan Bjerga, The Next Thing in Farm-to-Table? Mobile Slaughterhouses.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... ile-slaughterhouses

(a) summary underneath the title in print: The locavore movement graduates from greens to meat
(b) “Island Grown Initiative, a nonprofit that sends trained butchers to slaughter, scald, and pluck chickens and ducks at the small farms where the birds are raised. They arrive in pickup trucks towing everything they need to process poultry: knives, a scalder, and a board lined with stainless steel ‘kill cones’ to drain blood from the birds’ necks.
(i) Island Grown Initiative

is based in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
(A) Kill Them With Kindness: How to Make and Use a Killing Cone. Razor Family Farms, Dec 25, 2010
(“let’s talk about how the killing cone works.  The bird is placed head-down into the cone (as seen below).  The bird, when upside down, goes into a sleepy trance-like state.  We then kill the bird quickly by severing the main artery in the neck with a very sharp knife.  The bird then stays in the cone while the blood drains out into a bucket below”)

This is the only posting that gave the rationale.
(B) houstonwecopy (member's name), Chicken Plucker and killing cone (graphic pics). Keeping a Family Cow (Web site), Apr 18, 2010
(“I watched a YouTube video on killing cones and the thing that I learned was that by not cutting the esophagus and trachea, just cutting the arteries on each side, the chicken stays calm and doesn't panic as it bleed out. Just as the heart stops the chicken spasms but that is it”)
(C) Some people use traffic cone. And there is a Youtube clip titled Chicken Slaughter in Milk Jug Hanger, where the bottom was cut off to insert a chicken whose head sticks out through the rim of the jug.

(c) “Kentucky State University runs one for turkeys, pheasants, and quail, and the University of Alaska campus in Nome has a mobile unit for processing reindeer.”
(i) Kentucky State University (founded in 1886; in Frankfort, [capital of] Kentucky)  Wikipedia

University of Kentucky (founded in 1865; in Lexington, Kentucky)
(ii) University of Alaska system (founded in 1917 in Fairbank but its largest campus by number of students is now in the much-more populous Anchorage area)

Nome, Alaska
(section 5 Education: The University of Alaska Fairbanks operates a regional satellite facility in Nome)

(d) A photo legend states, “Prior to being butchered, the birds are cooled down in ice.”

The “butchered” is clearly a typo; but I can not figure out the correct word the reporter meant to use. In the Web, I have read scores of Chicken slaughtering, including
Joe G Berry, Home Processing of Poultry. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, undated (ANSI-8400)

They all says thorough bleeding, scalding, eviceration, and icing (some say in salted ice water). But none have explained why, much less cited scientific studies.
========================Wang Dan Ill, Needs to Return to Taiwan Soon
Loa Iok-sin, Exiled Activist Pleads for Help to Return to Taiwan. Taipei Times, July 27, 2014 (available now).

Note: Advance Parole, Reentry Permit, and Refugee Travel Documentation for returning Aliens residing in the US. US Customs and Border Protection, undated
www.cbp.gov/travel/international ... l-documentation-faq
(“How to File For a Re-Entry Permit[:] If the alien is a permanent resident or conditional resident * * * How to File For Advance Parole[:] An alien in the United States * * *How to File For a Refugee Travel Document[:] If the alien is a refugee or asylee")

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