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XI to Promote LIU Yuan: Reuters

发表于 8-1-2014 09:49:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Benjamin Kang Lim and Ben Blanchard, Exclusive: China's Xi Likely to Promote Army General Who Exposed Graft - Sources. Reuters, Aug 1, 2014.
www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/ ... USKBN0G144I20140801


(a) "during a meeting of the Communist Party's elite 205-member Central Committee in October * * * LIU Yuan [解放军总后政委 刘源] will at the very least become a member of the Central Military Commission. He could even become a vice-chairman,' said the source close to the leadership, who requested anonymity to avoid repercussions for speaking about elite politics to a foreign reporter without permission.

(b) "The buying and selling of military positions has also been an open secret, but Chinese media have generally avoided the topic. * * * Indeed, there could be risks for Xi in promoting Liu, said Huang Jing, a PLA expert at the National University of Singapore.

"'Because he has been very high-profile on anti-corruption, his promotion could trigger a backlash given the political system,' he said, referring to the military's deeply ingrained corruption culture.

(c) "He was passed over for promotion at the party's 18th Congress in November 2012, sources have previously said, partly because he was too close to Bo Xilai

My comment: There is no need to read the rest, which is made up of stuff we already knew.

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