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发表于 8-5-2014 07:39:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Enda Curran and Ned Levin, 投行为获IPO业务争聘中国公司CEO之女. 华尔街日报中文版, Aug 4, 2014

, which is translated from

Enda Curran and Ned Levin, Banks Vying for China IPO Courted CEO's Daughter; The probe has prompted banks to look more closely at a number of hiring decisions, insiders say. Wall Street Journal, Aug 2, 2014 (front page)
(the hiring of Tianhe Chemicals Group Ltd 天合化工集团有限公司 CEO WEI Xuan's 魏瑄 daughter Joy WEI 魏娇, who is Tianhe chairman WEI Qi's 魏奇 niece)

My comment:
(a) "JP Morgan initially called its program to shepherd connected hires 'sons and daughters,' according to people familiar with the matter."

WSJ translation: "据知情人士称,摩根大通起初将其负责关系招聘的计划称为 '子女计划。'

Of course, the characters  计划 does not appear in English.
(b) View only the graphic, which may be enough.

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