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发表于 8-10-2014 17:50:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Dan Levin, 当维吾尔女性的面纱遭遇中国民族同化政策. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 10, 2014

, which is translated from

Dan Levin, Veils Emerge as sign of Uighur Protest in China; Limits on religious dress and practices draw anger, even among assimilated women. New York Times, Aug 8, 2014/


“Though some Uighur women cover their hair and faces for religious reasons, a growing number appear to be embracing the practice as a gesture of quiet defiance [against Beijing]. ‘Whenever I go home to Xinjiang [from Beijing, where she works and lives], I wear a head scarf to show that I cherish my culture,’ said Luna, the business translator.

“Just as there are women in other countries who see the veil as a symbol of female repression, some Uighur women reject the conservative religious traditions of their ethnic group.

(a) “At a popular night market here in Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang region, women in black burqas hawk fake designer undergarments next to stalls doing a brisk business in bluejeans and silk head scarves decorated with the Louis Vuitton logo. One scarf vendor, her face framed by a yellow hijab, explained the concealment of her hair as an act of piety. ‘Allah tells us women to be modest, so we cover up,’ she said.”
(i) burqa
(Burqa is an Arabized Persian word of purda (parda) meaning curtain and veil, which have the same meaning in Persian)
(ii) hijab
(covers the head and chest; The term hijab in Arabic literally means “a screen or curtain” and is used in the Qur'an to refer to a partition)

(b) Project Beauty  靓丽工程
(c) “Rahile DAWUT, director of the Xinjiang Folklore Research Center at Xinjiang University in Urumqi”

乌鲁木齐的新疆大学新疆民俗文化研究中心主任 热依拉·达吾提

Both (b) and (c) is based on cn.nytimes.com.

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