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Wealthy Chinese Tourists Travel to Brazilian Slums, Chernobyl

发表于 8-20-2014 11:20:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Olivia Geng, BMWs are Boring: Wealthy Chinese Tourists Travel to Brazilian Slums, Chernobyl . China Real Time, Aug 20, 2014.

(a) Zhang Xinyu 张昕宇 and Liang Hong 梁红, a Chinese couple in their mid-30s "also visited places where drug transactions are known to occur, and a local police station scuffed after many fights. * * * The two recently starred in an episode of 'On the Road 侣行,' a documentary-style series that airs on Chinese video site Youku.com.

I believe the sentence is: the couple "visited * * * a local police station scuffed after many fights." The couple fought (probably not between them but with others), got injured, and had to go to a police station to file a police report (or make a complaint).

scuff (vt): "to scratch, gouge, or wear away the surface of"

(b) The couple also went to "Ukraine’s Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, where they wore heavy suits to protect against radiation. They also traveled to the Marum Volcano in Vanatu, because Mr Zhang wanted to plant a Chinese national flag there, and Russia’s Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world, because they wanted to prove that Chinese people could handle the climate."
(i) I can not find "heavy suits" in any online dictionary or the Web.
(ii) For Marum Volcano, see Ambrym
(section 3 Volcanology: two active volcanic cones, Benbow and Marum [with a photo for the latter])
(iii) Yakutsk
(Average monthly temperatures range from +19.5 °C (67.1 °F) in July to −38.6 °C (−37.5 °F) in January)


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