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王岐山带领中纪委掀反腐风暴: WSJ

发表于 8-21-2014 14:29:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lingling Wei and Bob Davis, 王岐山带领中纪委掀反腐风暴. 华尔街日报中文版, Aug 21, 2014

, which is translated from

Lingling Wei and Bob Davis, Meet China’s Top Enforcer; ‘shock and awe.’ Wall Street Journal, Aug 21, 2014 (front page).

Photo legend underneath a photo of Mr Su Rong states, “Former party official Su Rong is being investigated for suspicion of violating party rules and state laws.

(a) "Mr Wang [Qishan] already has an impressive bunch of scalps. He has fingered for investigation Zhou Yongkang, a one-time head of state security and member of the Politburo Standing Committee; Xu Caihou, one of the army's top-ranking generals; and Jiang Jiemin, a top executive in the Chinese state-owned oil industry."

WSJ translation: 王岐山的反腐行动已经称得上是成果斐然。他已下令调查前公安部部长、政治局常委周永康、前中央军委副主席徐才厚以及国务院国资委主任蒋洁敏。
(i) The “scalps” refers to those collected by victors in the Old West of United States.
(ii) finger (vi): “to touch or handle something”

(b) “Shortly after taking over the party's main disciplinary agency, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, in late 2012, he required his staff to read Alexis de Tocqueville's history of the French Revolution and had them write up their views on why the monarchy fell, according to Chinese officials, a reminder of the stakes involved in efforts to revitalize the party.”
(i) Alexis de Tocqueville
(1805-1859; best known for his works Democracy in America (appearing in two volumes: 1835 and 1840) and The Old Regime and the Revolution (1856))
(ii) For the pronunciation of his last name, see Tocqueville

(c) “In rural Guizhou province in southwest China, local party officials who said they were influenced by national efforts chose a different tactic. In a kind of Chinese version of ‘Scared Straight,’ the US program in which teenagers are taken into prisons to see the lives of convicted criminals, a local prison in the city of Kaili now opens its gates to local party officials so they can meet people who were jailed for corruption. The climax of the program is a show staged by prisoners who sing plaintively about how they ruined their lives by their greed, say two Kaili hospital officials who viewed the performances. ‘It was touching,’ said one of the officials. ‘A lot of people cried.’"
(i) Scared Straight!
(a 1978 documentary)
(ii) Kaili  贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州 凯里市

(d) “Mr Wang, square-jawed with a trademark comb-over, is called ‘the fireman 救火队员’ by the Chinese media for his long career of handling emergencies.”

For comb-over, see comb over
(or combover)

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