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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Aug 25, 2014 (I)

发表于 8-23-2014 11:42:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Christina Larson, China's Skyrocketing (Pet) Population.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... ting-pet-population


Dennis Schenk is “flown around the country by [Chinese] clients who pay him 500 yuan ($81) an hour to train their dogs to come and sit, and to treat them—the pets, not owners—for anxiety and aggression.

“Up until the 1980s, keeping pet dogs was illegal in Beijing, because pets were considered to be a bourgeois affectation. * * * (A height limit on dogs is still in place.) * * * China has become the third-largest pet market in the world, after the US and Brazil, according to Euromonitor International, and is home to 27 million dogs and 11 million cats.

“In 2012, Chinese pet owners spent 7.84 billion yuan on animal care.

(a) summary underneath the title in print:
Canine psychologists, bejeweled leashes, and puppy photo shoots fly in the face of Maoist rhetoric
(b) “Silas Chen, 28, recently enrolled his 10-month-old Samoyed in a canine training program.”

Samoyed (dog)
(a breed of dog that takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia)

(c) “Noble Pets, a boutique in Beijing’s upscale Sanlitun neighborhood * * * Store Manager CHEN Zhiyi”
(ii) Noble Pets  诺宝派(宠物)
(隶属于 和生梦圆商贸(北京)有限公司旗下; 和生梦圆商贸(北京)有限公司成立于2012年)
(ii) 店长/高级美容师: 陈致屹

(2) Shhh ... Luxury Goods Are Discounted in China.

Note: summary underneath the title in print: As sales growth slows, exclusive brands quietly try price-cutting

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 楼主| 发表于 8-23-2014 11:43:13 | 只看该作者
(3) Tossing the First Lady's Lunch.

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Affluent school districts shun federal funds so they can stop serving food kids won't eat
(b) Michelle Obama promotes wholesome food, no sugary drink.

(4) Erin Zlomek, Redeveloping New York Factories Into Small Business Hubs.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... small-business-hubs

“Acumen Capital Partners[] specializes in bringing new life to old, offbeat commercial properties in New York City’s outer boroughs. The business was founded in 2007


(b) “RXR Realty * * * is in contract to acquire a former Standard Motor Products manufacturing facility in Long Island City from Acumen for $110 million, about double what the firm paid for and invested in the property since it was acquired in 2008. The former factory built in 1919 houses the Jim Henson Co and a commercial rooftop farm run by Brooklyn Grange.”
(i) Standard Motor Products
(ii) The Jim Henson Company
(Headquarters Los Angeles, [with] offices and production facilities in New York City and London; “Founded in 1958 by puppeteer Jim Henson and his performing partner and future wife Jane Henson, the company is independently owned and operated by the children of its founders”)
(iii) grange (n)
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 楼主| 发表于 8-23-2014 11:43:34 | 只看该作者
(5) Nuts.com Grows Like Crazy. (under the heading Small to Big)
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... -shops-crazy-growth

(a) summary underneath the title in print: How the 80-year-old family business has built a niche for itself online
(b) www.nuts.com/
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