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Beauty in Silicon Wafers; A Nevada Museum That Attracts ~4 Visitors a Year

发表于 8-28-2014 08:09:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nick Shchetko, You Can’t Eat These Chips, But Some Find Silicon Addictive; A select few see beauty in computer brains; Museum-quality industrial artistry. Wall Street JOurnal, Aug 28, 2014 (front page).

Excerpt in the window of print: Wafers are largely indistinguishable to the untrained eyes, but collectors see aesthetic merit.

two consecutive paragraphs:

“Collecting them [wafers, as opposed to chips] can take effort, since wafers are an interim manufacturing step rather than a product companies sell. Those deemed not suitable for commercial purposes—if not recycled by manufacturers—may wind up as gifts to employees or partners, in scrap heaps or funneled to flea markets or websites like eBay.
“Collectors typically seek out processed wafers, which give off an iridescence when light strikes them at certain angles.

(i) Wellington, Nevada
(ii) Trafalgar, Indiana

(b) “One H-P chip from the 1990s, code-named ‘Hummingbird,’ includes a picture of that bird that is revealed under heavy magnification. It's a kind of inside joke, a decoration few will ever see. Another, dubbed "Velociraptor," sports a tiny image of the dinosaur. Many such images end up in "Silicon Zoo," an online gallery run by Michael W Davidson, a Florida State University researcher and photographer.”
(i) Molecular Expressions. Silicon Zoo, undatedmicro.magnet.fsu.edu/creatures/index.html(This Bird's For You (hummingbird); Velociraptor; The Wedding Announcement (“Ellen & Yeuk-Hai [Shark Mok], May 25, 1996 “
(ii) FSU in the URL stands for Florida State University (established 1851 and located at state capital Tallahassee)
(iii) Shark Yeuk-Hai MOK is a research engineer at DE Shaw.
(A) David E Shaw in 1988 founded DE Shaw, an investment management firm based in Manhattan.  Wikipedia
(B) The surname is Cantonese spelling for 莫.

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