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China Complains SAT May Impose American Values on Its Best Students

发表于 8-31-2014 10:20:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Los Angeles Times, Aug 29, 2014.
www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg ... 20140829-story.html

(a) “‘Including content from America's founding documents in a revised US college entry exam has drawn attention in China, with worries the materials may impose the American values system on students,’ China’s official New China News Agency said last week.”

Actually it was Xinhua/
(i)  媒体认为SAT考试或影响中国青年世界观. 新华, Aug 21, 2014

Xinhua transliterated the author name “Kelly Yang” of South China Morning Post (SCMP) as “凯莉·杨.”  It was lazy.  香港南華早報 has a web page for the SCMP columnist (whether it is a man or a woman, it is hard to tell; Kelly is unisex): “楊諹畢業於柏克萊加州大學及哈佛法學院,創辦了香港楊諹創意教育中心(Kelly Yang Project),為香港兒童提供課外教育。”
(ii) SAT考试大改革,美国也要考 '思想政治' 了?
(iii) SAT Reform Causes Worry of Ideology Intrusion. Xinhua, Aug 27, 2014.

(b) “Human rights advocate XU Zhiyong 许 志永, who initiated the New Citizens Movement 新公民运动 to promote such values, was sentenced in January to four years in prison.”
(c) “'I don’t think they have grounds to question what’s in the SAT before they cancel all the "political classes" in Chinese schools,' said ZHANG Ming 张 鸣, a political science professor at People’s University in Beijing."
(d) "Approved test centers based in Hong Kong became the top option for many Chinese students willing to take the test. Last year, the AsiaWorld-Expo center in Hong Kong hosted more than 50,000 students, more than 90% from the mainland, its chief executive, Allen HA , told the Wall Street Journal."

AsiaWorld-Expo  亞洲國際博覽館
(2005- )

is built and owned by Hong Kong government, and operated by a private enterprise: AsiaWorld–Expo Management Limited. en.wikipedia.org


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