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A Private Tourism Company Owned by Danes, Collects Photos of Old Beijing

发表于 9-5-2014 08:05:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Debra Bruno, 7 Million People Can Be Wrong: Forbidden City Struggles to Appeal. China Real Time, Sept 5, 2014.

(a) "says Lars Ulrik Thom, who runs a company called Beijing Postcards."

translation: 一家名为北京卡片 (Beijing Postcards) 的公司的负责人吴三桂 (Lars Ulrik Thom) 说
(i) All translations in this posting come straight from cn.wsj.com:
Debra Bruno, 北京故宫从多方面努力改善游客体验. 中国实时报, Sept 5, 2014
(ii) 吴三桂?!
(iii) About Beijing Postcards. Undated.

The website has no Chinese version (so the translation "北京卡片" is doubtful--however, previous Chinese reports used the same Chinese company name), where the only Chinese is "吴三桂在北京."
(iv) China Daily: Old Beijing once more. YouTube, uploaded by SPH Razor on July 25, 2013 (5'20'' long) comwww.youtube.com/watch?v=U4EIdUpaQDQ
("What was Beijing like 100 years ago?It was a time when most Chinese didn't have cameras, but there were many foreigners traveling through the old city, and they helped save the memories in photos.Five years ago, two Danish young men - Lars Ulrik Thom and Simon Gjeroe - began collecting these photos, making them into postcards and starting their business in Beijing's Nan Luo Gu Xiang [南锣鼓巷] in 2009")

This explains the nationality of the co-founders.

(b) "The Palace Museum itself hastried to rid itself of a stodgy image"

The spelling "hastried" is wrong. But I do not know what the author intends: hastened?

(c) "This summer, the museum released online nine flash animations of Emperor Yongzheng, who ruled from 1678 to 1735, based on a series of paintings called 'The Amusement of Emperor Yongzheng.'  In one animation, the emperor sits with his feet in the water, moving them back and forth. Other animations show him fishing, shooting an arrow at a bird and fanning himself."

translation: 今天夏天,故宫博物院根据一组名为《雍正行乐图》(The Amusement of Emperor Yongzheng)的画像在网上推出了九个雍正皇帝(在位时间1678年至1735年)的动态图。在其中一个动态图里,雍正坐在江边,将双脚放入水中前后摇摆。其他动态图展示了雍正钓鱼、朝一只鸟射箭和扇扇子的场景。

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