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Maryland in War of 1812

发表于 9-6-2014 14:39:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Scott Calvert, Maryland Shines Spotlight on the War of 1812. Wall Street Journal, Aug 30, 2014.

(a) The English surname Calvert: “from Old English (Anglian) calf ‘calf’ + hierde ‘herdsman’”
(b) “The error-filled collapse of American troops in Bladensburg, Md, in August 1814 gave the British easy entrée to the nation's capital [Aug 24-25, 1814].“

Bladensburg, Maryland
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bladensburg,_Maryland(renamed in honor of Thomas Bladen, governor of Maryland, 1742–1747)


“A seaport during the colonial period, Bladensburg is best remembered for the Battle of Bladensburg ([Aug 24,] 1814) during the War of 1812, notable because it was the only battle in American history in which a sitting president (James Madison) rode into battle. America's eventual defeat, called ‘the greatest disgrace ever dealt to American arms,’ cleared the way for the burning of Washington by British troops. Its role as a seaport faded as the Anacostia River silted up and larger ships could no longer reach the port.

“President James Madison and most of the rest of the federal government had been present at the battle, and had nearly been captured.

(c) “the conflict * * * gave rise to such lasting symbols as Uncle Sam.”

Uncle Sam

(d) “On Maryland's Eastern Shore this Sunday [Aug 31, 2014], a $93,000 grant is subsidizing the re-enactment of the Battle of Caulk's Field on one of the war's most pristine battlefields. There, a local militia repelled marauding British troops without help from American soldiers. Among the 14 British killed was Sir Peter Parker, a cousin of the poet Lord Byron, who wrote an ode in his relative's honor.”
(i) Battle of Caulk's Field
(August 31, 1814; near Fairlee, Maryland (then called Belle Air) [in Kent County]; section 1 Background)
(A) The Key to Kent County History: War of 1812. Historical Society of Kent County, Maryland, undated.
("the cornfield that belonged to Isaac Caulk")
(B) The English surname Caulk: “possibly a variant of Calk”
(C) The English surname Calk: “from [a place called] Calke in Derbyshire ‘(place on) the chalk or limestone,’ from Old English (Anglian) calc”
(iii) Sir Peter Parker, 2nd Baronet
(1785 – 1814; His father [Christopher Parker] was the son of Admiral Sir Peter Parker [1st Baronet; was created baronet in 1783], and his mother [Augusta Byron] the daughter of Vice-Admiral John Byron; In “Battle of Caulk's Field * * * Parker was one of the casualties. Leading his marines, he was hit in the thigh (as his grandfather had been at the Battle of Sullivan's Island), but unlike his grandfather, Parker died on the field of a severed femoral artery. * * * He was eulogized by his first cousin, Lord Byron”)

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