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XI Jinping: Economist’s Cover Story (Sept 20)

发表于 9-18-2014 17:12:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The rise and rise of Xi Jinping | Xi Who Must Be Obeyed; The most powerful and popular leader China has had for decades must use these assets wisely. Economist, Sep 20, 2014 (cover story). www.economist.com/news/leaders/2 ... se-assets-wisely-xi
www.economist.com/news/leaders/2 ... se-assets-wisely-xi

(a) "He is the first leader to employ a big team to build his public profile. But he also has a flair for it—thanks to his stature (in a height-obsessed country he would tower over all his predecessors except Mao), his toughness and his common touch."
(i) Xi Jinping
(is 180 cm (5'11") in height, approximately 7 cm taller than his predecessor, Hu Jintao)
(ii) Mausoleum of Mao Zedong
(section 1.1 Crystal coffin: Mao's height (1.8 m (5 ft 11 in))

(b) " The question is whether Mr Xi is prepared for the law to apply to everyone, without fear or favour. His drive against corruption suggests that the answer is a qualified no. The campaign is characterised by a Maoist neglect of institutions. It has succeeded in instilling fear among officials, but has done little to deal with the causes of graft: an investigative mechanism that is controlled entirely by the party itself, [ii] a secret system of appointments to official positions in which loyalty often trumps honesty and [iii] controls on free speech that allow the crooked to silence their critics."

qualified (adj): "limited or modified in some way <qualified approval>"
(c) "In the absence of legal reform, he risks becoming a leader of the old stripe, who pursues vendettas in the name of fighting wrongdoers."

stripe (n): "a distinct variety or sort : TYPE <persons of the same political stripe>”

(d) “Mr Xi is making some of the right noises. He says he wants courts to help him ‘lock power in a cage.’ Reforms are being tinkered with to make local courts less beholden to local governments. But he needs to go further by abolishing the party’s shadowy “political-legal committees”, which decide sensitive cases. The party should stop meddling in the appointment of judges (and, indeed, of legislators).”
(i) 习近平:把权力关进制度的笼子里. 新华网, Jan 22, 2013.
(ii) For political-legal committees, see Central Politics and Law Commission of the Communist Party of China  中共中央 政法委员会

CPC’s own translation, through Xinhua, seems to be: Committee of Political Science and Law under the CPC Central Committee.

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