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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Sept 29, 2014

发表于 9-26-2014 18:29:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Shai Oster, China's New Export: Military in a Box.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... -global-growth-path

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Norinco has used China's big defense budget as a base to expand globally
(b) "Norinco has even devised a novel way to make buying weapons easier: It bundles together starter kits of basic defense gear—everything from rifles to howitzers, laser-guided bombs, armored personnel carriers, tanks, and drones—for governments that want to quickly outfit their armed forces. Chinese state media has dubbed the package a 'military set meal.'”

For set meal, see table d'hôte
("may also be called prix fixe ('fixed price'). The terms set meal and set menu are also used")

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 楼主| 发表于 9-26-2014 18:30:17 | 只看该作者
John Tozzi, Why Hospitals Want Patients to Pay Upfront.
www.businessweek.com/articles/20 ... ents-to-pay-upfront


(a) "Raising deductibles helps employers and insurers limit premium hikes. It also shifts more of the risk onto individuals. That in turn boosts the chances that doctors and hospitals won’t get paid. * * * A March report on hospitals from Moody’s, the credit-rating firm, was blunt: 'Today’s high deductibles are tomorrow’s bad debt'” for patients

(b) "Hospitals’ total cost of uncompensated care [debts not collectable] reached $46 billion in 2012, equal to about 6 percent of their expenses, the American Hospital Association says.

(c) "About 44 percent of [American] households have less than three months of savings, according to an analysis by the Corporation for Enterprise Development, an antipoverty group.

(d) "Now any patient scheduling a procedure expected to cost more than $500 out of pocket gets a call from Rempe or another of Nebraska Methodist’s five financial counselors. The hospital tries to get some payment in advance, but it doesn’t turn away those who can’t pay.

"Even simply identifying the indigent can help, says [Richard] Gundling[, vice president] of the Healthcare Financial Management Association. 'For both the patient and the facility,' he says, 'trying to collect a debt that can’t be paid just wastes everybody’s time.'

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Settling bills gets tougher as health plans push costs onto patients
(b) How do Deductibles, Copays, Co-insurance and Maximums Work?  Stay Smart l Stay Healthy, undated
("A copay is what you pay when you visit the doctor [or have prescription filled]")

(c) "'Over the years there’s been some stigma about collecting from patients,' says Zac Stillerman, an executive with the Advisory Board, which sells software and consulting services to hospitals. 'It’s a bit of a third rail.'”
(i) The plural form of "stigma" is either "stigmata" or "stigmas."  (The "stigmata" is the plural form in Latin.)
(ii) The "there's" includes plural form afterwards, because "there've" does not exist. (Same for "there's" v non-existent "there're")
(iii) third rail
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