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书砸向马英九 台湾政府重申反对暴力

发表于 9-26-2014 18:32:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Sept 26, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... _mayingjiu_attacked

four consecutive paragraphs:

"府方人员指出,总统走后 [assailant] 即予放行,警方并将他丢出的书还给他。




My comment:
(a) !

(b) media: latest first.
(i)  柯喬治著, 陳榮成譯, 被出賣的台灣(全譯本). 前衛出版社 , 2003.
(ii) Formosa Betrayed
(a 2009 American film; based on a 1965 book of the same name)
(iii) Formosa Betrayed (1965 book)
(the author was "a US diplomatic officer in Taiwan, who witnessed the 228 Incident and the corruption and killings committed by the Kuomintang")

the book: George H Kerr, Formosa Betrayed. Houghton Mifflin, 1965.

(i) 總統府針對特定媒體引用德國之聲中文網報導之回應. 中華民國總統府, 中華民國103年09月25日.
www.president.gov.tw/Default.asp ... =33259&rmid=514

If you read both (2) and (3), you will conclude that "「矢言將持續推動目前的傾中政策」、馬總統「強調願意學習當初東、西德處理雙邊關係,最終實現統一的經驗」、「接近中國是台灣求生的唯一機會」" were the language of Taiwan's media ("針對特定媒體引用德國之聲中文網報導"), not DPA or DW.
(ii) [Corrected on Sept 25] 马英九强调改善两岸关系决心. 德国之声中文网, Sept 23, 2014.
(A) The correction was made AFTER President Ma called upon DW to make.
(B) Deutsche Welle does not have an English version.
(iii) This is Bing.com's cache of the report. Apparently the only correction is what appeared at the bottom: "更正:在最初的报道中“他愿意学习两德处理双边关系、最终实现统一的经验” , 此说法不正确,应为 '他愿意学习两个德国处理双边关系的经验,' 特此更正。"

(iv) The DPA report at issue did not even mention "East Germany" or "west Germany."

Stephan Scheuer and Yu-Tzu Chiu, Taiwan's president vows to continue China-friendly policy. DPA, Sept 23, 2014.
www.dpa-international.com/news/a ... 39667234-img-0.html
(v) I did not pay attention to this DW thing, until now.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-26-2014 18:33:11 | 只看该作者
(2) 蘇芳禾, 書砸馬英九 顏銘緯:馬和國民黨不准繼續蹂躪台灣. Liberty Times (Taipei), Sept 26, 2014

Note: 典華
(旗艦館, at 台北市中山區 大直 neighborhood, opened in 2008 and the first branch, at 新莊, will open in 2005)

(3) 「馬賣台人神共棄」 基進側翼:全力支持顏銘緯丟書.

Note: View only the still grabbed from a video clip.

(4) For a video clip, go to Youtube.com and search for 顏銘緯. The video clips there are one and the same.

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