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发表于 10-12-2014 10:23:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sean Silbert, Forced military training for Chinese students encounters resistance. Los Angeles Times, Oct 12, 2014.
www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg ... 20141012-story.html


In China, young people “must undergo short stints of military training — once in the first year of high school and again as college freshmen. The goal isn't to make the students battle-ready, but to instill in them a sense of patriotism, collectivism and national defense. In the case of Tao [Qixi, 19, a woman from People’s University at the military camp], who drilled for 12 days, it seems to have worked.

"Zhang Ming, a professor of political science at People's University in Beijing[, commented:] 'They don't even do shooting practices anymore'

"Military training for students was introduced in 1955, but it was given greater emphasis after the army crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators at Tiananmen Square in 1989. Students at universities that authorities regarded as hotbeds of counterrevolutionary protest, including Beijing's elite Peking University and Fudan University in Shanghai, were compelled to do a full year of the training before heading to campus.

“Training became compulsory for all high school and university students in 2001.

"The disconnect between military instructors and more urbane students * * * can end in tragedy when undisciplined instructors confront youngsters who can't or won't keep up. Recruits to the Chinese army are volunteers, typically 18 to 20 years old, many of them from rural areas and unemployed. In August, WANG Jingwei 王静薇, a high school freshman in northeastern Liaoning province 辽宁阜新市育才中学高中部, was unable to stand at attention to the satisfaction of her instructor. 'The teacher used his finger to poke her chest, and proceeded to insult her, calling her selfish, ungrateful, and threatened to expel her,' the girl's uncle told Chinese media. After she was sent home, she committed suicide by jumping from her sixth-floor window. The local board of education said high school faculty members and the military instructors were not to blame.

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