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发表于 10-15-2014 09:23:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 傅东飞, 为何美国海军演习正以中国为假想敌? BBC Chinese, Oct 15, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... upertwingfieldhayes

Note: “你经常能听到有关公关的言辞:美国海军 ‘并没有针对任何特定的国家进行演习。’但把两个航母战斗群和两百架战机召集到关岛沿岸也不是闹着玩的。这就是五角大楼现在所谓的 ’空海战’ Air Sea Battle 的演习。’空海战’的概念2009年首次提出,它是专门设计对付对来自中国的不断增大的威胁。几分钟后,我来到华盛顿号航母的舰桥上,见到海军少将马克•蒙哥马利,他是美国海军第五航母战斗群的司令。他的下属部队正在演习他所说的 ‘禁入/区域封锁’ anti-access, area denial 假想战局。

(2) The (1) is translated from

Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, Why Is the US Navy Practising for War With China?  BBC, Oct 15, 2014 (video).

Note: Rupert Wingfield-Hayes IS 傅东飞. Until today, I thought Mr Fu was Chinese.

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 楼主| 发表于 10-15-2014 09:53:37 | 只看该作者
(3) Valiant Shield 2014. Commander Naval Surface Force, US Pacific Fleet, US Navy, undated
(near Guam; Sept 15-23, 2014)

Quote: “Valiant Shield is a US biennial field training exercise (FTX) with a focus on integration of joint training among US forces. This training enables real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces through detecting, locating, tracking and engaging units at sea, in the air, on land, and in cyberspace in response to a range of mission areas.

(a) Press releases from the exercise repeatedly stated, “Valiant Shield is a US-only exercise integrating 18,000 U.S. Navy, Air Force, Army and Marine Corps personnel, more than 200 aircraft and 19 surface ships, offering real-world joint operational experience to develop capabilities that provide a full range of options to defend US interests and those of its allies and partners."
(b) Chris Cavagnaro, Dual Carrier Strike Groups, Air Force, Marines Conduct Simulated Strike During Valiant Shield War-at-Sea. Commander Task Force 70 Public Affairs, US Navy, Sept 19, 2014 (Story Number: NNS140919-04)
(George Washington and Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Groups)
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