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Ma Explains ROC’s 11-Dash Line

发表于 10-18-2014 15:57:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Joining the dashes; The South China Sea’s littoral states will fight in the museums, in the archives and on the maps. Economist, Oct 4, 2014
www.economist.com/news/asia/2162 ... useums-archives-and
(“Taiwan’s elucidation of its claim is a setback for China”)


“The Taipei exhibition for the first time put on display a small portion of the archives that accompanied Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang (KMT) * * * At the exhibition’s opening, Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, clarified what the KMT government was claiming in 1947 when it asserted sovereignty over islands held during the second world war by the Japanese. Unlike China, which has never spelled out whether it is claiming everything inside its U-shaped line—islands, rocks, shoals, reefs, fish, oil, gas and water—or just the islands, Mr Ma was clear that the claim was limited to islands and 3 to 12 nautical miles of their adjacent waters. There were, he said, ‘no other so-called claims to sea regions.’

“Many of the [ROC] archives are still secret, and the Chinese have long pleaded in vain for a glimpse.

(a) 中華民國南疆史料特展. Center for GIS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, 中央研究院 地理資訊科學研究專題中心, Sept 1, 2014
(exhibition: Sept 1-Oct 31, 2014)
(b) 新聞稿: 總統出席「中華民國南疆史料特展」開幕典禮. 中華民國總統府, Sept 1, 2014
www.president.gov.tw/Default.asp ... 14&itemid=33125
(“針對南海爭議涉及的國際法,總統提到,美國總統杜魯門於民國34年提出「杜魯門宣言」(Truman Proclamations),主張美國對於墨西哥灣海域內的海床與底土具有主權上的權利(sovereign rights),可進行相關開發工作,在此之前從未有任何國家對於領海或臨接區以外的海床及底土提出類似主張,因此引發許多的爭議,也造成美國與其他中美 洲國家的捕魚糾紛 * * * 總統表示,我國在民國36 [1947] 年宣布「南海諸島位置圖」,當時除領海外,尚未有其他海域主張與概念”)

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